Example sentences of "mrs thatcher [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher prides herself on her reputation as an ‘ Iron Lady ’ .
2 Mrs Thatcher prides herself on her strong and determined leadership , but this frequently means overruling colleagues and ignoring advice .
3 Their leader , Mr Paddy Ashdown , yesterday challenged Mrs Thatcher to ignore her own bigots and Labour 's ‘ moral bankruptcy . ’
4 Their leader , Mr Paddy Ashdown , yesterday challenged Mrs Thatcher to ignore her own bigots and Labour 's ‘ moral bankruptcy ’ .
5 On entering No. 10 in May 1979 , Mrs Thatcher made it clear to the Whitehall machine that she was not a Cabinet-committee person .
6 It 's very rare that anybody arrives alone — Mrs Thatcher brought her daughter Carol , Paul McCartney came with his wife , Linda .
7 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
8 Mrs Thatcher said there 'd have to be a long-term transition .
9 But Mrs Thatcher said it would be a waste of public money and an unjustified invasion of privacy .
10 Speaking at the end of the two days of talks , Mrs Thatcher said it had helped some countries combat inflation .
11 Speaking at the end of the two days of talks , Mrs Thatcher said it had helped some countries combat inflation .
12 Mrs Thatcher had her voice toned down by manipulation of the pharynx to lower the pitch , ’ according to Brendan Bruce , former director of Communications at Conservative Central Office .
13 When Mrs Thatcher announced her resignation it was as though an immovable institution had been overthrown .
14 And I mean you yourself , you know , during the Westland you you you left a cabinet meeting , apparently Mrs Thatcher thought you were going to the loo and you went on television to say , I 'm resigning because I think she 's got it wrong over Westland .
15 Mrs Thatcher followed his advice .
16 Scarcely known in the south until Mrs Thatcher appointed him Lord Chancellor in 1987 , he was the outsider with a brief to sweep away restrictive practices .
17 An angry scene took place in the Cabinet Room at Number 10 , and Mrs Thatcher adopted what Mr Major calls her ‘ blustering and bullying tactics ’ .
18 Both President Reagan and Mrs Thatcher came to power on a platform of military rhetoric with Reagan calling Russia an evil empire and Mrs Thatcher earning herself the title of the Iron Lady .
19 Mrs Thatcher tempered our sloth by appealing to our greed , Mr John Smith wishes to temper our greed by appealing to our sloth , but both strands in our character remain .
20 Despite warnings , Mrs Thatcher stressed her leadership role in Europe , saying that it was Britain which had put up an alternative scheme to the Delors plan and had taken the initiative over the idea of associate EC status for East Germany .
21 Despite warnings , Mrs Thatcher stressed her leadership role in Europe , saying that it was Britain which had put up an alternative scheme to the Delors plan and had taken the initiative over the idea of associate EC status for East Germany .
22 Consistent with her belief that the single market is the key to European prosperity and ‘ closer integration ’ as well as ‘ an example and opportunity ’ to Eastern Europe , Mrs Thatcher stressed it at the expense of Delors and the Social Charter — for which she predicted ‘ considerable difficulties ’ from many countries when detailed proposals emerged .
23 Mr Siddique estimates there are now some 200 groups and last week he wrote to Mrs Thatcher warning her that ‘ Bradford may turn into Beirut ’ .
24 He knew virtually nothing about European federalism , but here was Mrs Thatcher warning us that political union was on the cards .
25 Mrs Thatcher insisted it would make more sense to wait and see how it worked out in practice before preparing moves to the more controversial second and third stages of EMU — including a central bank and a single currency .
26 Mrs Thatcher told her fellow summiteers that , in the end , it might be quicker and more secure if they worked with market forces in moving towards monetary union .
27 Mr Brown last night wrote to Mrs Thatcher demanding she publish the final agreement on cash , assets and tax signed between the Government and BAe .
28 Several Conservative MPs repudiated the Group and Mrs Thatcher dissociated herself from the critical remarks .
29 In the run up to the Conservative Party conference it is hardly surprising if Mrs Thatcher swallowed her intellectual objections to intervention and backed the Chancellor 's expensive efforts to defend the pound in the hope of avoiding or postponing a further increase in interest rates .
30 A full two hours before Mrs Thatcher delivered her address , Tory representatives had occupied every seat in the Empress Ballroom and were reserving standing places .
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