Example sentences of "need [prep] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 This is part of the Catering & Allied philosophy of ‘ link manning ’ — people need to be able to pick up their colleagues ' responsibilities if necessary , so knowledge gets passed on .
2 You need to be able to get into the turn quickly and accurately , and to be flying within a few knots of the pre-stall buffet .
3 However , you need to be able to establish and prove that it was you who created the copyright .
4 You sit high in any case and it 's just as well — you need to be able to see the big car 's extremities .
5 in order to get a better estimate of how accurately the clock works we need to be able to study it for much longer periods of time .
6 One of Pearce 's main points is that we need to be able to apply monetary values to environmental gains and losses .
7 You need to adapt any healthy diet to your own individual style of life ; you need to be able to live the way you want to .
8 Horses need to be able to use their different senses sight , hearing , touch , smell , and taste , and to perceive change and variety .
9 Horses need to be able to perceive change and variety through their senses ; especially visually .
10 Even so , when handling and riding horses , we really need to be able to anticipate their emotions , actions and reactions , rather than simply expecting perfect behaviour and performance from them .
11 We need to be able to perceive more than the five emotions above , and it is easy enough to do so .
12 Horses need to be able to see different things happening around them , hear different sounds , and smell different smells , and so on : they need variety and stimulation .
13 Even aquatic terrapins need to be able to dry out by sun basking .
14 Pupils need to be able to respond to such forms , and schools have an obligation to help them to read everything from labels and slogans to the subject textbooks of the secondary school curriculum .
15 They need to be able to recognise on sight a large proportion of the words they encounter and to be able to predict meaning on the basis of phonic , idiomatic and grammatical regularities and of what makes sense in context ; children should be encouraged to make informed guesses .
16 Contrary to the all too common belief that ageing is essentially an unavoidable process of retreat , of withdrawal into passivity and dependence , the truth is that for most men and women later life is a time of active challenge : a time when perhaps more than ever they need to be able to respond imaginatively to change .
17 You need to be able to hold the board in one position without it drifting downwind and also to sail backwards which is invaluable in tight situations .
18 On the other hand you need to be able to see yourself as part of a whole , to recognise the relationship between you , the world and everyone else in it .
19 Once you have experienced the full range of emotions , however , you need to be able to let them go — both for your own sake and that of the one who has died who must be allowed to continue on his ( or her ) own spiritual journey , wherever that may take him .
20 We need to be able to raise extra capital more easily and economically
21 We need to be able to meet increasing competition from American , Japanese and European financial institutions in the U.K.
22 They need to be able to measure accurately their blood glucose and test the urine for ketones when unwell .
23 For this agreement to exist people need to be able to react against those who depart from or break shared values .
24 What do we already do well that the National Curriculum planners have neglected — remembering that if we think we do something well we need to be able to look closely , give reasons , describe in detail .
25 Beyond this they need to be able to exploit the stock — the reference collection and other material in book and non-book formats .
26 They need to be able to relax without hints or recriminations from their own parents .
27 And you need to be able to find food and companions , too .
28 For example , for much of the day we need to be able to repress or split off some feelings to enable us to concentrate or to use our intellects .
29 For a marriage to be successful , partners need to be able to handle change constructively .
30 You need to be able to move through each one easily , without confusion or noise .
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