Example sentences of "gave [pers pn] the opportunity " in BNC.

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1 AN HOUR to spare on a recent visit to London gave me the opportunity to visit the famous Science Museum 's well-advertised new gallery ‘ Physics and Nuclear Power ’ .
2 This gave me the opportunity of using homoeopathy in a general practice setting , while at the same time dealing with more chronic cases at the hospital where we had a consultant gynaecologist , an ENT surgeon and a consultant general surgeon , each operating once a week .
3 ‘ Steve gave me the opportunity to make a big play early and I did it . ’
4 A week 's leave in August 1958 gave me the opportunity to share in another aspect of island life .
5 ‘ You came to in the middle of it , unfortunately for you , but it gave me the opportunity to make a superficial examination . ’
6 More importantly , the Fellowship gave me the opportunity to study a subject of my choice at a university of my choice : so ( who would not at that time ? )
7 Such abilities and equipment gave them the opportunity to make the big evolutionary breakthrough which eventually lead to Homo sapiens .
8 A once-weekly trip gave them the opportunity to earn some ‘ pin money ’ and secure a change of scene from their relatively monotonous round .
9 In addition the strategic role of the health authority in assessing the health needs of their population , and purchasing services to meet them , gave them the opportunity of restructuring services in ways which produce greater net benefit .
10 You completely the wife actually what erm another good point was that you got in are , are there dependants there were certain close questions again , the fact that the wife smoked a pipe gave you the opportunity to turn round and say well that 's , that 's good , that 's a benefit because she could be classed as a non-smoker there 's just wee er opportunities there and that 's as much as I had if anyone else wants to add to these comments .
11 Mrs Thatcher has been fortunate in that retirements of several senior personnel in the early 1980s gave her the opportunity to influence promotions ; there were thirteen appointments as Permanent Secretary in 1982 alone and she has had a hand in appointing the great majority of Permanent and Assistant Permanent Secretaries since 1979 .
12 This gave her the opportunity to bleat even more madly , puffing noisily between bleats to prove how sorely she was being tried .
13 Television also gave her the opportunity to stage a bravura farewell to the nation , not just to fellow MPs , in her last speech as Prime Minister .
14 Independent means gave her the opportunity to devote her life to social causes and world peace .
15 Adam lost his spiritual purity through eating the forbidden fruit , so God gave him the opportunity to reinstate himself partially through immersion in the original water which came from Eden .
16 More than that , it gave him the opportunity of laying on the grass at lunchtime , trying to catch sight of Lana Turner 's legs …
17 This gave him the opportunity to study Ballet , Pas de Deux , Repertoire , History of Ballet , Stagecraft and Lighting , and Ballet Music .
18 Joining the army gave him the opportunity to play full time : ‘ I practised mostly all day , and in the evenings .
19 According to MacDonald and Walker ( 1976 ) , HCP offered the teacher a dream-image of himself that , far from undermining his existing professional identity , gave him the opportunity to acquire an additional identity .
20 The officer did not invite the defendant to express a preference for giving blood or urine but warned him of the consequences of failure to provide a specimen and gave him the opportunity to put forward any reasons why a specimen of blood could not be taken by a doctor .
21 But it was the patronage of Sir John Coke [ q.v. ] , one of the principal secretaries of state from 1625 to 1639 , which lay behind his rise to complete control of foreign and domestic posts in the 1630s ; and it was that achievement which gave him the opportunity both to create a new postal service and to acquire an estate in Essex worth £800 a year .
22 His works were on a small scale until in 1823 he became engineer for the Difference Engine project of Charles Babbage [ q.v. ] , which gave him the opportunity to build highly accurate large machine tools for his workshop , the best known of which was his large planing machine , built in 1831 .
23 This seems to have been an important period for Williams , for his lecture programme gave him the opportunity to broaden his contacts .
24 Basil Matthews gave him the opportunity to expand on his vision of the West Indies under the full glare of publicity .
25 The purpose of this policy was twofold : to offer new and larger horizons to the French people and to the army , so as to divert attention from Algeria ; and to safeguard France 's position from outside encroachment until such time as more favourable military and international conditions ( an end to the Algerian war and the development of a French atomic arsenal ) gave him the opportunity to unveil his long-term strategy .
26 We 'd been heavily blitzed and this gave us the opportunity to think big and boldly and to think philosophically .
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