Example sentences of "road which lead to " in BNC.

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1 Soon they turned down a side road which led to Drumbreck House where Sir Ewen McLay lived .
2 It is now generally accepted that this meeting was the first step on the unpremeditated road which led to the establishment of the London Veterinary College .
3 The snow crunched a protest under the car wheels , as we turned down the country road which led to our home , thoughts of a hot cup of tea uppermost in our minds .
4 Next we knew , we must take the road which led to Cherbourg , where we hoped to find out more of what had happened on that tragic occasion — and we were soon on our way to the Château de la Brehouse at St Pierre Eglise , where we were to spend the night .
5 Two of us decided to walk along the road which led to the public causeway and another , even larger , pool .
6 Tommaso described , rapidly , one of the many round stone shelters scattered in the olive groves outside the town , on the road which led to the sea from the farm where he had visited them last Easter .
7 Crilly , I 'll tell you about the sparkle of Belgravia , the shimmer of white marble , a sumptuous , salubrious white , the sugary white of fluffy friendship , cloudship , feely white , and the slim cobblestone road which led to the river where I met James who was fresh from Waterstone 's with his arms full of Pinter plays , O he was as a young Terence Stamp , Crilly , but for the sly cracks of wisdom about the corners of his eyes , and we drank espresso and he told me about Spain and the high mountains of India , and the Pyrenees he had taken on foot , and though I was as trite as my shopping Saturdays and my small muggy and squirming palms in summertime , he painted my body swirly-lined and peach upon a large canvas and made love to me upon the tip of the Heath with all of London a basin of rooftops beneath us while the sky loomed low in grey and pink , the Heath a dark pudding of sloping mountains , wild and white and wide as Brontë country , with only the smug suburban cliffs of Highgate Village peering from behind its sprawling hem , and big dogs scurried like brown birds to the crevice of foothills and then disappeared , so we made love for a while beneath that sky , which cast a blaze upon us the colour of cream .
8 All that remains from those days is the outline of the road which led to the hangers .
9 Return to the main road which now follows the spine of a hill and descends to the main coastal road which leads to Porto do Moniz .
10 Just beyond St John 's Church the first opening on the left is KING 'S STABLES ROAD which leads to the Grassmarket , a picturesque quarter once the seat of public executions , now more noted for its antique shops , boutiques and restaurants .
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