Example sentences of "taking [pron] for granted " in BNC.

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1 But not when he 's taking me for granted .
2 ‘ If you have been taking me for granted , ’ Mr O'Hara argued , ‘ then that is my fault .
3 ‘ What makes you think you 're taking me for granted ? ’
4 Art helps us to break out of this prison-house by subverting conventional sign-systems and forcing us to focus our attention on signs themselves rather than taking them for granted .
5 But they are supremely experienced in the process of discovery , and when they do play older repertory they always do it with a sense of looking freshly at the notes , taking nothing for granted .
6 ‘ I do n't see why I ca n't continue my run for the seniors , ’ he says , ‘ but I 'm taking nothing for granted . ’
7 Smith is still taking nothing for granted — he 's had the Danish champions watched five times .
8 DESPITE a memorable victory over Ukrainian side Karpaty Lvov in the European Cup Winners Cup on Wednesday , Shelbourne midfielder Paul Doolin is taking nothing for granted as his former club Derry City visit Tolka Park this afternoon .
9 But Hughes is adamant that despite their glittering array of striking talent with himself , Ryan Giggs , Ian Rush and Dean Saunders in the side Wales are taking nothing for granted .
10 ‘ I always fancied my chances of playing against Dublin and so it worked out , but I was taking nothing for granted .
11 But he 's taking nothing for granted .
12 Hooper is taking nothing for granted as Souness contemplates his line-up for the vital clash , his latest worry being Michael Thomas ' ankle injury which makes him doubtful with Steve McManaman .
13 Hooper is taking nothing for granted as Souness contemplates his line-up for the vital clash , his latest worry being Michael Thomas ' ankle injury which makes him doubtful with Steve McManaman .
14 ‘ And anyway , who 's taking whom for granted this time ? ’
15 I have obviously been taking you for granted . ’
16 For taking you for granted . ’
17 He was afraid she might see him sticking out and start taking him for granted or make unwomanly advances .
18 If she missed his letters for a few days , she would probably stop taking him for granted .
19 John was taking her for granted , so were the children .
20 She felt that the ‘ on — off ’ nature of their relationship — when he was here today but not tomorrow , or even the next day — was all part of Nicky 's habit of taking her for granted .
21 I could have pointed out that there was never any chance of me taking her for granted , because the minute I stopped thinking about her she sobbed until I noticed her again .
22 Davis is not taking it for granted .
23 Yet others may deplore British nationalism while taking it for granted that there is some homogeneous group called the British , thus conceding the basic premise for a British nationalism .
24 Ludens was right in a way to complain that they were now all taking it for granted .
25 She was taking it for granted that he knew who she was ; but then anyone who had read the papers must know that .
26 By citizens and burgesses he meant the freemen of corporate towns , taking it for granted that his readers would understand that this privilege had in practice come to be restricted to the richer inhabitants — merchants , not working craftsmen .
27 Unschooled children , if the evidence does demonstrate that they are being less explicit , may in fact be taking it for granted that the questioner can see what is being referred to so that there is no apparent need to be explicit .
28 She thought , looking at the pleasant room : I 'm taking it for granted already !
29 ‘ You are taking it for granted that when I say ‘ what they like ’ I mean sexual experience .
30 She seemed to accept Neil 's presents as her right and , what 's more , was increasingly taking it for granted they would be expensive .
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