Example sentences of "question arise [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During these initial months Blake was intensively interrogated by MI6 and when they had finished in November 1961 the question arose as to where Blake was to serve his sentence .
2 The question arose as to whether this behaviour was unlawful .
3 i Once it became obvious that youth organizations could not solve the ‘ boy labour problem ’ , either socially or economically , the question arose as to what needed to be done .
4 Before the war public appeals had raised sufficient money to keep Youth Allyah afloat , but , when it became clear that large numbers of children would not soon be leaving for Palestine , the question arose as to who would care for them during their prolonged stay in Britain .
5 Secretary of State for the Environment , in which the question arose as to whether objectors to a motorway scheme were entitled to cross-examine the Department of the Environment 's witnesses in the public local inquiry considering the scheme .
6 Once again the problematical question arose as to what Rennenkampf would do .
7 The finance company discovered the fraud and the question arose as to who was the owner .
8 exam erm exam was double marked with , the question arose as to whether the essay should be double marked , because obviously they are part of the assessment .
9 The question arises as to why there is so little official action to combat soil erosion .
10 Second , if the patient breathes , however weakly and albeit without the regularity or strength to sustain himself , or otherwise demonstrates some sign of brain-stem functioning , then the question arises as to whether or not to switch the machine on again .
11 No question arises as to whether they are alive or not ; they clearly are .
12 Furthermore , numbers of other organizations , large and small , have been involved in a variety of ‘ alternative ’ educational projects , and the question arises as to how much autonomy these should retain .
13 Given that urban districts may be subject to geographically uneven patterns of investment and disinvestment , the question arises as to whether urban redevelopment funds are targeted to those neighbourhoods most lacking in capital or those where private revitalisation is already well established .
14 When techniques are applied in the classroom and their effects are monitored , the question arises as to whether and to what extent these effects call for an adjustment of the techniques as realizations of a particular principle , or for a reappraisal of the principle itself .
15 The question arises as to what he was describing — ultimate reality or the life of men ?
16 Since psychologists see this short-term memory code as critical to general thought and functioning , the obvious question arises as to what deaf people do to mediate learning if they do not use a speech code .
17 Having established that the annual prevalence of known opioid use in Wirral during 1984–5 was about 5 per 1,000 of the adult population , the question arises as to how high this level of opioid use is compared to other areas of the UK .
18 The further question arises as to whether the myth is not false to what we know to be the case concerning the origin of humankind .
19 Not least , as I have suggested , the question arises as to how God can be good if God can have revealed himself through such a history and if such a myth is true .
20 The question arises as to what extent such arrangements can provide a model for the democratisation of the multidivisional capitalist enterprise .
21 If any question arises as to this , the defence is entitled , and is under a duty , to invite the trial judge to exercise the discretionary power given to him by section 17 of the Evidence Act , which corresponds exactly to section 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1865 ( 28 & 29 Vict. c. 18 ) and provides :
22 The question arises as to the relative proportions of left and right handers in the general population with left sided , right sided and bilateral speech representation .
23 The question arises as to why a longer ( 60 second ) delay should allow a larger and thus excessive transfusion .
24 Given the vulnerability of the floating charge the question arises as to why a creditor should bother to obtain one .
25 From the foregoing , it will be apparent that the prospect of a breach of the peace licenses what would otherwise be unlawful conduct on the part of the policeman , and the question arises as to how carefully , and on what grounds , the courts will give guidance as to the use of the powers , and subject their use to review .
26 The determination whether objectives can be ‘ better ’ achieved by the Community obviously involves a comparative judgment , and the question arises as to who is to make that judgment and whether it is justiciable .
27 The question arises as to what are the most favourable conditions for childbearing .
28 The question arises as to whether this is the result of their having fallen into apathy out of fear of repression and a belief that it is not possible to make progress ; or whether it is precisely because they have been making progress through existing channels that the militant challenge has withered .
29 If , on the one hand , the outcome is insensitive to variation-say , in a valuation-the question arises as to what the study is sensitive to .
30 In the light of this ambiguity in the theoretical predictions , allied with a lack of any clear empirical consensus on the extent of these losses and benefits , the question arises as to what form a pro-competition or anti-monopoly policy should take .
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