Example sentences of "members [prep] the council " in BNC.

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1 Those likely to prove controversial include the new method of appointing press members of the council , the plan to directly involve proprietors in enforcing the code of practice on their editors , and the question of increased funding for the council .
2 Several members of the Council think this a good idea .
3 Some non-permanent members of the Council complain that imposing a punitive peace should not be the job of the UN .
4 They would pick quarrels , especially with strangers , and the fights would take place at the Cockpit , often witnessed by members of the council . ’
5 He called for working-class unity across the sectarian divide and accused both Unionist and Nationalist members of the council of not representing the interests of the working class .
6 Where there is a system of control of council matters through caucus groups of members of the council , these groups determine beforehand what line of action shall be taken by the members of those groups when matters come before the council and its committees .
7 He is responsible for presenting to the council and its committees all matters of business which are brought to his notice , either from members of the public , members of the council or from the officers themselves , and of recording the decisions , either by way of minutes of the committees or of reports of the committees which are subsequently presented to the council .
8 Sewell , Spooner and Simonds became members of the council of the Royal College .
9 Members of the Council .
10 The growth and formation of public opinion on this matter was in part the work of certain members of the Council and other prominent individuals who took every opportunity to attack the planners ' decisions and the activities of the Council 's Planning Committee .
11 The leading members of the Council had accepted the concept of physical planning from the very beginning .
12 The leading members of the Council remained loyal to the planners and to the housing policy for some considerable time .
13 From 1 January 1993 , disclosure will be made of all the business interests and those of connected persons of members of the Council and the new Lloyd 's Market Regulatory Boards .
14 And in fact , though perhaps it is shocking to admit it , we took some advantage of this dreadful argument during the campaign : we said we did not want to bring personalities into the election , but of course it was important that members of the Council should be responsible people who would not take advantage of their ‘ special position ’ .
15 Poyntz made great efforts to obtain his release and Cromwell was persuaded to send letters to the two leading members of the Council of Brabant on his behalf .
16 Cranmer was among the members of the Council who took refuge with her in the Tower and then capitulated to Mary .
17 So many members of the Council had also been conspicuous supporters of Jane that only Northumberland was immediately executed .
18 The members of the Council were drawn from the national governments and had the task of counterbalancing the High Authority 's supranationalism .
19 One of the leading members of the council of Wigtown , Bailie Hooks , was the owner of a ship sailing from the Swedish port of Gothenburg , which brought into Whithorn Bay a large quantity of smuggled tea and iron .
20 Critics also maintain that the government started appointing as Chairman and members of the Council people who were politically sympathetic to the Conservative cause .
21 British-born Professor Jones was the unanimous choice of the Joint Committee of Members of the Council and Senate .
22 But having done so it rendered the Convention otiose except in relation to non-EEC members of the Council of Europe .
23 If one turns from the professional judges to the nobles and gentry who were members of the Council in the Marches , high-handedness and corruption become more apparent .
24 Rejection of an agency relationship between the Council and the member States depends upon separating the members of the Council acting as members of the Council , from members of the Council acting as delegates of the States .
25 Rejection of an agency relationship between the Council and the member States depends upon separating the members of the Council acting as members of the Council , from members of the Council acting as delegates of the States .
26 Rejection of an agency relationship between the Council and the member States depends upon separating the members of the Council acting as members of the Council , from members of the Council acting as delegates of the States .
27 Each of the ten " tribe or constituencies chose , by lot , 50 people to serve as members of the council for a year , and those 50 would , within the council , act as a steering and administrative committee for a tenth of the year .
28 Okay , I do n't know whether I repeatedly er , members of the council like to ask questions about the structure so they can ask , and I can move on , so
29 The AFPFL members of the Council therefore came up with an announcement intended for public consumption as much as for adoption by the Council .
30 They were enthusiastic , provided voluntary members of the council of Motability and co-operated without reserve .
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