Example sentences of "members [prep] the committee " in BNC.

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1 For instance in one area recently there has been a series of protests and demonstrations regarding poor and inadequate housing conditions , the majority of the members of the committees which were responsible for organising the protests are members of the IRA .
2 The report , Cracking the Codex , found that about a quarter of the members of the committees that agree codex standards come from the industry , with only a handful of consumer groups represented .
3 They followed as far as possible in the time available , the practices and procedures of the permanent parliamentary boundary commission , indeed of the six members of the committees , five were members of the parliamentary boundary commissions and they were appointed to the committees after consultation with the opposition parties .
4 Wyre anglers , including members of the committee , voted at their annual meeting last March to purchase an electric winch at a cost of £285 .
5 Other members of the committee , together with the general membership , also fish as often as possible when weather and tide allow .
6 In recent weeks stories ( strenuously denied ) have circulated of disagreements between the Fed 's chairman , Alan Greenspan , and the members of the committee that decides the Fed 's interest-rate policy : Mr Greenspan , it is said , is in more of a hurry to push rates down than are his colleagues .
7 Before being taken to the platform , he was introduced to those members of the Committee who happened to be milling around the entrance .
8 They were to elect , as members of the Committee , four verderers , who were required to be resident in one of the forest parishes .
9 They were instead to be guardians of the interests of the commoners and of local interests generally , but they were to have no greater powers than any other members of the Committee .
10 This provided the opportunity for the members of the committee to see something of the rural development problems and programmes in Lewis and Harris , and discuss them with some of those working on them .
11 2 ) Being a contact for the secretary and any other members of the committee who may need information , if they are unable to contact the chairperson .
12 Several books and treatises were written by members of the committee in their attempt to answer these questions .
13 Six members of the Committee of One Hundred , who had planned to enter the air base and immobilize it by sitting in front of its planes , were charged with conspiracy to commit offences under section 1 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 .
14 Nothing gives so bad an impression to the other members of the committee and to the officers present than a member who talks without having read his agenda papers , or who has missed an earlier meeting where the matter was fully discussed or who talks for the sake of talking on every subject .
15 This can only be done through a committee and then the information will be sent to all members of the committee .
16 The other members of the committee were : ( whose son , Waldo , was later to have a distinguished career with the BBC ) .
17 Two days later , fifteen MPs were nominated to be members of the Committee .
18 Apart from Buxton , Hope and Tite , there were other members of the Committee who had leanings towards a particular style of architecture .
19 The other members of the Committee had little effect on the course of the examinations .
20 The term was originally used by Hader and Lindeman to refer to work done in industrial consultation committees where some members of the committee were trained to observe in detail what happened at meetings and were then questioned afterwards by research workers — rather like an intelligence officer might question the crew of an aircraft after a raid .
21 Some members of the Committee moved that the school stay open , on the grounds that short-term financial gain would not be compensated for by the long-term loss to the community .
22 Some members of the Committee did raise the problem of the ‘ long-term costs to the community ’ likely to be brought about by the closure of Village school , but this objection was apparently passed over with no request for clarification , consultation , or serious study of the problem .
23 The society also placed advertisements asking for applications to draw on its funds for the purpose of release from debtors ' prisons , and backed this up by sending two members of the committee on a tour of London 's gaols to receive applications and arrange for the release of ‘ the most distressed objects , preferring the most useful Artists and Manufacturers , and those who have the largest families . ’
24 There are some thirty prizes altogether and two members of the committee have a shopping spree in Whitby to buy them .
25 Struggling to survive the discouragement of another rebuff , Vincent walked on foot from the Borinage to Brussels to plead his case with the Reverend Pietersen , one of the more sympathetic members of the committee which had just sacked him .
26 That it has achieved so much is largely due to the high regard in which Philip Hardman , chairman of the Faculty 's technical committee , Edwin Vidler , its secretary , and other members of the committee and its subcommittees are held by the Revenue departments .
27 As the committee sat down to meet , the call went out for women to leave the hall , and the male members of the committee to remain .
28 Members of the committee voted to refuse planning permission for the petrol station and housing development but added they might be willing to consider an application for houses alone .
29 I am not alone in this stage of limbo , for none of the other ordinary members of the committee knows either .
30 Davis has noted the unease as late as the mid-1820s of some members of the committee of the Anti-Slavery Society over Cropper 's desire to see public meetings addressed by travelling agents because of the association of such methods with other , divisive reform causes .
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