Example sentences of "ca [not/n't] cope [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But basically I think most courses now , not sure there 's actually a legal requirement , I do n't think it is , but most of them want a at least a year 's sort of full time experience in erm , you know , d dealing with underprivileged people really and their problems and people who ca n't cope for one reason or another , and how er y you can er er sort of help them and what sort of relationship you can build with them and so on , and how
2 But I ca n't cope without my radio Joyce !
3 ‘ I ca n't cope with life … ’
4 I know I 'm not in a position to be choosy , but I ca n't cope with the idea of living there — it 's just beyond
5 The shopper , so the refrain goes , does n't know how to cook fresh fish , ca n't cope with bones , wo n't pay a fair price and will only be persuaded to buy the traditional species .
6 I ca n't cope with that .
7 ‘ I ca n't cope with all this any more , ’ said Phoebe , and there was a screech in her voice .
8 The rest of the car is regular SE too , apart from the four-speed plus overdrive gearbox , borrowed from the 2.3-litre car , in place of the standard SE 's five-speed item , which ca n't cope with the turbo 's muscle .
9 Although I take her on short trips to the shops , she ca n't cope with going too far from the house .
10 When someone ca n't cope with panic attacks , agoraphobia is often the consequence and treating this condition requires specialist help .
11 A 6mm diameter shank means a 7mm — wide blade is the most that will slide up into the handle , and that ca n't cope with big screws .
12 Many girls were saying to me , ‘ I ca n't cope with having breasts , the hassle it brings , the fear of rape or the jokes and remarks from boys , the idea that I must be a slag or a ‘ goer ’ , so rather than try to deal with the whole world ( which I ca n't ) , I 'll just turn all my anger inwards against myself , against the thing I can control : my body . ’
13 If he ca n't cope with me , how is he going to cope with people like Boris Yeltsin if he is elected ? ’
14 The local government ca n't cope with the Camorra … ’
15 ‘ I just ca n't cope with it any more .
16 ‘ I can cope with football but one thing I ca n't cope with is treachery , and that 's what I had at Swindon . ’
17 We promised to keep in touch with her , but asked her not to communicate directly with our new daughter as she grew up , feeling instinctively that a child ca n't cope with having two mothers at once !
18 Teenagers may begin to take drugs to help them escape from adolescent problems they ca n't cope with .
19 As we 've already seen , the average bully ca n't cope with people who do n't fight or answer back .
20 ‘ But nothing you ca n't cope with ? ’
21 ‘ Nothing I ca n't cope with .
22 Many people believe they owe it to their pet to be there at the end and , in retrospect , are glad that they were , yet you may feel you ca n't cope with witnessing this very sad event .
23 I like the greasepaint , heart , ca n't cope with light waves . ’
24 I really ca n't cope with this mountain of admin , ’ and it 's amazing how many men ca n't wait to wade in to rescue me . ’
25 ‘ Once she knows that this is the way the cards have fallen she 's not going to say ‘ I ca n't do it , I ca n't cope with it ’ and whinge .
26 And so my sub-text read , in part , ‘ I ca n't cope with this ; I 'm not going to be any good at it . ’
27 Motorists from what used to be East Germany ca n't cope with West German traffic .
28 And West German drivers in their posh BMWs and Mercedes ca n't cope with the poor quality roads in the East — and damage their cars in potholes .
29 I ca n't cope with another person yet .
30 I just ca n't cope with the written word , I suppose . ’
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