Example sentences of "nothing be said [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Or has nothing been said about that yet ?
2 In PS itself nothing is said about the sorts of words that are admissible ; there is merely a list of possible and impossible words .
3 Conversely , while the Act provides that dividing up residential units to create more does specifically require consent , nothing is said about reducing the number of residential units or , for that matter , splitting or amalgamating any other type of unit of use .
4 In Grace Abounding nothing is said about his life as a soldier except that it was once preserved by the mercy of God when another man took his place as sentinel during a siege and was killed by a musket bullet .
5 Nothing is said about cross-examination , not even a request for the facility to be afforded if it would be compatible with foreign procedures ; no detail is given as to the manner in which the evidence is to be ‘ reduced into writing ’ , so that , for example , no preference is expressed for a verbatim transcript rather than a summary minute prepared by the foreign judge .
6 Nothing is said about residence orders , either that they can be made or that they can not be made ex parte .
7 At the same time nothing is said about the way in which firms will converge on one of the large set of possible equilibrium agreements ( given that collusion is sustainable ) .
8 Also in 1935 , the men were given permission to mark cards for the Ladies , but nothing is said of the reverse procedure .
9 That Aethelberht , king of Kent , exercised authority over his brother , Eadberht , is clear from the way in which it was necessary for Ealdwulf , bishop of Rochester , to secure confirmation of a grant of land from Eadberht in 738 from Aethelberht and Nothhelm , archbishop of Canterbury , acknowledging that he had erred in not doing so sooner ( CS 159 : S 27 ) , but nothing is said of any necessity to secure Aethelbald 's confirmation .
10 Nothing is said of the progress of Theophylact in Mercia and ‘ parts of Britain ’ .
11 Note , too , that nothing is said within such analyses about forms of middle-class racism — the discussion pivots around a simple polarization between a ‘ ruling ’ and ‘ working ’ class .
12 Nothing is said in the Act about whether orders can be made ex parte or only inter partes .
13 Nothing was said over supper either , not one word .
14 Nothing was said about the good , about the thriving community work and the community centre .
15 Nothing was said about institutional reform .
16 Nothing was said about this , it just happened .
17 Two or three days after Miss Bedwelty 's visit the team found that nobody pressed them to practise anything , nothing was said about another riding lesson and life was refreshingly peaceful .
18 Nothing was said about Toulouse , though the Capetian line on this was clear : the question could only be settled by a judgement in the court of the feudal overlord , in other words in the court of King Louis .
19 Nothing was said about ransom on the television , but the officer who interviewed me , Chief Inspector Golding , said Tristram Abberley 's letters were demanded .
20 Nothing was said about his next move , except that he could hardly expect his sister to take him in now , and that he was unwilling , under any circumstances , to move to Purley .
21 Thus in Priest v Last [ 1903 ] 2 KB 148 , a hot water bottle burst causing injury to the purchaser 's wife and it was held that there was a breach of the implied condition even though nothing was said about the purpose .
22 Now , nothing was said about it .
23 And the conclusion of that is we go for a criteria based approach for the time being , see see what the response was to that er and nothing was said about identifying the site as such .
24 Nothing was said on this occasion about his interest in Masai land , though he appears to have discussed the subject privately with F.C .
25 Nothing was said for a while and then Maidstone straightened himself up .
26 Nothing was said for a moment or two , and then Johnny sighed .
27 They had invested for the long term , if not in imperial unity ( and significantly , nothing was said at Worms about emperorship or empire ) , then in the coexistence of Lothar and Charles in the regnum francorum .
28 Nothing was said behind your back ! ’
29 Nothing was said in the early conventions about the contents of the letters rogatory , although from 1905 there was a requirement that letters should be drawn up in , or accompanied by a certified translation into , the language of the requested authority ( or another language agreed between the States concerned ) .
30 While there was , from the platform , evidence of considerable care and attention being paid to the potential physical hazards of the industry , little or nothing was said by the industry 's speakers about the effects of chemicals or their by-products on the environment .
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