Example sentences of "'d give her a " in BNC.

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1 Why should n't Fanshawe just have said to his wife , ‘ This young lady has missed her last train and since she lives in London I said we 'd give her a lift ’ ?
2 If she had the nerve , the sheer bloody brass neck , to do that , then maybe he 'd give her a few minutes .
3 If she was his daughter he 'd give her a smack she would n't forget in a hurry .
4 When we got the vans , Ernie was with us then and he always used to sharpen her knife up so as he 'd give her a fresh one lunchtime to go , he 'd , she 'd start off up , down from where you 'd come from this morning , then she 'd go on to Wicken and do that on a Tuesday , Tuesday round .
5 But I mean , Gill would go out and I said I 'd give her a if if we did it e er turn and turn about you only have to find one about once every eight weeks like .
6 and then I said I 'd give her a ring .
7 Well then , he 'd give her an outing , he 'd bring her here and she could enjoy herself , have a tea , go home by train or bus , whichever she chose .
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