Example sentences of "interest [prep] the subject " in BNC.

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1 work for the intrinsic interest of the subject , not just for their teacher ;
2 The editorial policies admit of no bias towards publishing papers on the geology of the British Isles , and so the high proportion of papers on Scottish geology reflects the intrinsic interest of the subject .
3 The editorial policies admit of no bias towards publishing papers on the geology of the British Isles , and so the high proportion of papers on Scottish geology reflects the intrinsic interest of the subject .
4 Since I was asking young women to talk freely about a highly personal and intimate area of their lives , I thought it only fair that I should also tell my own story , and set out some of my reasons for my interest in the subject .
5 Of the classes visited , it can certainly be said that those in which the teaching and the interest of the students revealed vitality , enthusiasm and the promise of sustained interest in the subject far outnumbered those in which a short and superficial survey … seemed all that the tutor was prepared to offer or the class prepared to accept .
6 Hardy abandoned his architectural career in 1872 but it was by no means the end of his interest in the subject .
7 Interest in the subject having thus been aroused among learned men in western Asia , a scientific institute was eventually set up in Baghdad after the Muslim conquest of much of that region .
8 One of the drawbacks of A level is that because it is an examination to be taken at a particular time , namely after two years of study in the sixth form ( there are exceptions to this , but such is the general rule ) it is taken by people who are at very different stages of development , of readiness for the examination , and , above all , of interest in the subject matter .
9 If all diabetics were looked after solely by general practitioners , undoubtedly some would be cared for by doctors without a real interest in the subject .
10 Because of the University-wide interest in the subject , projects have their roots in many disciplines and fields of knowledge .
11 It adds , it will be absorbing for all those with a general interest in the subject .
12 Indeed it is possible that many people recognise subconsciously that the hypothesis is not merely unprovable , but false ; certainly many drift away from an active interest in the subject .
13 He started their interest in the subject and they have since become prominent in the field .
14 I suspect that your desire to write a letter about beating children reflects an especially high level of interest in the subject .
15 The purpose of the exhibition and station is to increase public awareness of the role played by radio in war-time operations and , hopefully , to make contact with many people , whether radio amateurs or not , who can help in achieving the aims of the Society either from personal experience and knowledge of historic equipment or from a special interest in the subject .
16 Firstly , there is an interest in the subject from an early age if one of the practitioner 's own parents , or a close relative , is a homoeopathic practitioner .
17 This reinforced my interest in the subject , but as I soon became involved in postgraduate studies in busy medical , surgical and then paediatric units I had little time to pursue it at that stage .
18 Coleridge was absorbed in discussing minute points of religion , and found Wordsworth 's lack of interest in the subject difficult to understand — he called him a ‘ semi-Atheist ’ .
19 Interest in the subject remains high , with the regulatory bodies now submitting their first year reports to the DTI .
20 But they also take an amused , almost anthropological interest in the subject .
21 First an interview with Richard Buckley , a retired funeral director , who had written the paragraph in It 's a R.I.P. Off which first aroused our interest in the subject .
22 With four sales to cover in a short space of time your correspondent was left with the impression that there is no lack of interest in the subject , that the general standard of cataloguing is high , but prices remain depressed — except that is for anything related to Zeppelins and lighter-than-air aviation .
23 For anyone with an interest in the subject , 's book is a valuable guide to who thought what , and where to find it .
24 In other words , whatever the applicant 's interest in the subject matter of the application may be , that interest not only determines whether the applicant has standing but it also dictates the nature and terms of the relief to which the applicant can expect .
25 Although the House of Commons has always contained some MPs who take an informed interest in the subject , they are in a small minority , irrespective of Party allegiance , being heavily outnumbered by those who are guided more by what they sense to be the prevailing expectations of the public .
26 Because of his responsibilities for taxation as well as the banking system and building societies , the Chancellor had a special interest in the subject of financial fraud .
27 He is forced to accept , however , that by this stage , most of the readers of the published articles read them " out of a sense of duty " and " a wish to keep up with what is being done , " rather than " because they have any real interest in the subject " .
28 If you want to know more about a rug you already own , or simply want to develop a general interest in the subject , study the design schemes ( described in Chapter IV ) , and the characteristics of rugs from the various producing countries ( Chapter V ) .
29 To arouse student interest in the subject .
30 A survey by TABS under the title Cost per Thousand Adults , Or Cost per Thousand Empty Armchairs indicates the reason for interest in the subject .
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