Example sentences of "police officers [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The resultant outcry led to an internal inquiry which exonerated those involved and stated that the police officers had been issued with sledgehammers and crowbars ‘ to effect speedy entry ’ .
2 The 4,538 spectators at the game included about 1,000 visiting fans , and extra police officers had been drafted in for the game due to Cardiff 's large away following .
3 Statistics released by state security agencies on May 13 showed that 243 police officers had been killed since the start of the year .
4 May also stated that he could not hear any detailed evidence relating to the Four until any criminal proceedings against police officers had been completed .
5 It was expected that Zuno would face a retrial , much to the embarrassment of the Mexican government as the case against him included witnesses who had alleged that senior government , military and police officers had been involved in the conspiracy to kill Camarena .
6 So a paper might report that a community believed that police officers had been unnecessarily violent in arresting suspects .
7 This is despite the fact that according to the law report the police officers did not know to which specific pits the pickets were travelling and that some of the evidence of violence on which the police officers relied was that which they had gathered from press and television reports .
8 But inasmuch as these two chapters show that routine policing exists in the province , they are useful as a corrective to the folk model of policing in Northern Ireland , which assumes that all policing is related to the troubles ; that police officers have been brutalized as a result of their baton guns , face masks , and riot shields ; and that they know or prefer no other mode of police work .
9 In the biggest-ever inquiry of its kind , 30 police officers have been working for a year , taking 1,500 statements from youngsters .
10 In the past eight years , some 5,400 police officers have been freed for operational policing duties by civilianising posts which do not require the powers or skills of a police officer , representing an efficiency gain of around £100 million per year .
11 I did ask whether the Association of Chief Police Officers have been told that they are going to they are likely to have to take over many of the responsibilities of the British Transport Police as from the first of April .
12 20 years after Joan Main disappeared , police officers have been digging up the garden of her former husband 's house .
13 Three police officers have been suspended .
14 For the last month 30 police officers have been working on the case full time .
15 Two police officers have been injured after a gang of twenty youths ambushed their patrol car .
16 It 's the first time police officers have been assaulted at Blackbird Leys this year and police vow they wo n't be deterred .
17 Thames Valley police officers have been telling the Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke they need more people and resources to do the job .
18 The police federation and Association of Chief Police Officers have been campaigning for the introduction of sidehandled batons .
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