Example sentences of "about ten [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Experiences seem to be much the same in New Zealand and Australia , where teachers will be reaching the same point of uncertainty that we have reached in England in , I estimate , about ten and five years respectively .
2 It could mean bringing somewhere between about ten and fifteen million pounds into Shropshire over that six years from Europe , into , into Shropshire , not in the whole of March 's area , but into Shropshire , during that period , to help projects in the rural west of the county .
3 [ Philip Leapor ] informs me she was always fond of reading every thing that came in her way , as soon as she was capable of it ; and that when she and learnt to write tolerably , which , as he remembers , was at about ten or eleven Years old , She would often be scribbling , and sometimes in Rhyme ; which her Mother was at first pleas 'd with : But finding this Humour increase upon her as she grew up , when she thought her capable of more profitable Employment , she endeavour 'd to break her of it ; and that he likewise , having no Taste for Poetry , and not imagining it could ever be any Advantage to her , join 'd in the same Design : But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , he had of late desisted , and left her more at Liberty
4 John also described an incident when he was about ten or eleven which seems to have had a traumatic effect on him , the horror of which , bottled up for many years , can be felt in ballets which he made long afterwards .
5 We used to play it when we were aged about ten or eleven .
6 I was about ten or eleven at the time , but I had ‘ known ’ since I was about six .
7 Michael : It 's about sportsman and when he was seven he was a good football player and then when I was about ten or eleven I went swimming and then when I was about eleven I dived in without any — urn — with no water in the pool so I got eye-sighted and then , when I was about fourteen it was I played snooker and I had to do the strokes really good because I was eye-sighted .
8 When he was a child of about ten or eleven , William used to play a kind of game with his shadow , except that it was n't a game , really , it was deadly serious .
9 About ten or eleven at night I got a call from the US embassy …
10 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
11 Another couple of girls , who looked about ten or eleven , were playing marbles ; they saw the strangers enter , stopped their game , sidled over and forced tired and dead smiles .
12 I remember me gathering the hens up that night late oh about ten or eleven o'clock at night and we had our own power you see by that time .
13 That 's what I said , about ten or eleven or twelve .
14 We 've still got about ten or eleven I think , have n't we ?
15 It 's had about ten or twelve names since I 've been going there , though some of them were just for one night , just for a party or celebration , and even then the name was never written up anywhere , you just had to know that tonight it was The Lily Pond , or The Jewel Box , The Gigolo , The Hustler , The Place ( no , I think that was somewhere else ) , Grave Charges ( I loved that one ) — or The You Know You Like It , I remember that year especially .
16 A game I invented , and which is useful as children arrive , is to give them about ten or twelve cards .
17 I could n't see too well , but it was about ten or twelve people .
18 there 's all sorts like , like recruiting , making contact with the schools , er , lobbying , er , there , there about ten or twelve different workshops now , almost on almost every aspects , so and that would be something that we could give , if , if these were n't .
19 For about ten or twelve days we sailed on south , down the coast of Africa .
20 He started shouting for help and about ten or fifteen minutes later , two chaps arrived and a couple of torches shone down on my father at the bottom .
21 As a result , it has been designed to de-rig easily , in about ten or fifteen minutes and , would you believe it , he can supply a trailer that you can tow it home in .
22 ‘ They 'll be with you in about ten or fifteen minutes , mate , ’ Bates told him .
23 His intention was to remain on his knees for about ten or fifteen seconds , and then to rise , saying smilingly , ‘ Well , then … ’ or words to that effect .
24 that start with a C you learn maybe about ten or twenty that start with a K and you say well if it 's not one of these I do n't know I 'm gon na s try it with a C.
25 This is much longer than the age of the universe , which is only about ten or twenty thousand million years ( 1 or 2 with ten zeros after it ) .
26 At about ten or twenty thousand million years ago , it would have a minimum size , which was equal to the maximum radius of the history in imaginary time .
27 Is that a sort of follow-up of the God is dead school of theology of about ten or twenty years ago ?
28 A mosquito probably registers about ten or twenty decibels , and this could be very annoying if you were trying to sleep and one was buzzing around you , but in our trade we 're normally talking about a level of perhaps sixty or seventy decibels which is tolerable and the sort of noise perhaps we 're making at the moment .
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