Example sentences of "coincides with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Today , the northern boundary of the savannah runs east-west , just north of the latitude of Khartoum in central Sudan , and generally coincides with the 100mm isohyet .
2 This coincides with the opening of the polytechnics and the ‘ centres of excellence ’ around 1968 , and indicates that the new Division was well-timed to absorb the resulting growth .
3 The announcement of the American Academy in Berlin coincides with the opening of other significant German facilities in the States .
4 Its launch coincides with the opening of a Brazilian congressional inquiry into the alleged " internationalization " of the Amazon by Western governments and environmentalists .
5 Mr Charles ' visit to Liverpool coincides with the opening of the exhibition A Day In The Life Of Black Los Angeles , which is showing at Liverpool 's Blackie and Open Eye galleries .
6 As budgeting is an integral part of any business plan , it is usually preferable both to express the plan and to review it on an annual basis that coincides with the firm 's accounting year .
7 When using the daisy as a border in conjunction with the edging , ensure that the centre of the daisy coincides with the centre of either the upward arc of the yellow section or the downward curve of the white section or alternatively one then the other ( as in the sample ) .
8 Each corner of each cube coincides with the centre of the body of another .
9 Some believe that new plants flourish if their early growth coincides with the growing of a new moon .
10 The exhibition coincides with the publication of a book by Ralph Jentsch The artist and the book in twentieth-century Italy , published by Umberto Allemandi , Turin ( 341pp. 480 b/w and 120 col. ills .
11 it coincides with the publication of the paperback version of the book .
12 The exhibition coincides with the publication of Within Tuscany ( Viking Penguin ) , Spender 's account of his working and family life woven into chapters of historical information .
13 The LP is produced by Jessica Corcoran in tandem with the band and coincides with the tail end of their current tour , a sell-out but for a few tickets for their London show at The Kilburn National on April 4 .
14 The wave velocity so determined is related to the relevant elastic modulus by equations which are simple if a symmetry axis coincides with the direction of wave propagation , but more complex otherwise .
15 Boetti 's tapestries usually display his own words , but here he collaborated with the Sufi poet Berang ; the piece was shown in the exhibition ‘ Magiciens de la Terre ’ three years ago in Paris , and coincides with the Boetti retrospective at the Bonner Kunstverein until 22 November , and with a small exhibition at Cordula von Keller , Spichernstrasse 44 ( by appointment only , tel. 0221–519 564 ) .
16 Yet he was driven , persistent , and indomitable , a mixture of Schweitzer and Schwarzenegger , as Robin observed , which coincides with the twin streams of his own spirit — the philanthropy of his humour and the thrust of his ambition ; his desire to be liked — both in life and on the screen .
17 Its boundary is called the event horizon and it coincides with the paths of light rays that just fail to escape from the black hole .
18 Happily , my finally getting to meet him coincides with the release of one of Morrissey 's great records ( they seem to alternate quite evenly with duff ones ) , so there 's no awkward rub between the fan 's loyalty and the critic 's ‘ responsibility ’ to the ‘ truth ’ .
19 This coincides with the views of some other feminist writers who have been impressed by this distinctively ‘ female ’ contribution to morality .
20 This period coincides with the development of G cells within the antrum .
21 ‘ They say the kids are missing the dog , but it usually coincides with the July holidays and we 've found the family were away in Spain .
22 Its synthesis in the cell coincides with the maturation of the erythrocyte .
23 The exhibition in Vienna coincides with the reopening of the rooms of the permanent collection of Flemish art in the Kunsthistorisches Museum .
24 So the bureaucracy in advanced capitalist states serves the ruling class not because of personal ties or social origins , which may be very diverse , but because the role of the bureaucracy coincides with the interests of the ruling class .
25 They have also produced a new edition of Pierre Schneider 's Matisse , which now includes details of recent discoveries and up-to-date information on the location of his works , and coincides with the transfer of the large New York show to the Pompidou Centre from 25 February until 21 June , although in a reduced version ( FFr995 until 31 January , then FFr 1200 ) .
26 In substance and spirit there is much in her portrayal that coincides with the stereotype of woman found in medieval antifeminist literature : lascivious and insatiable , alluring to men , drawing them to a fall — e.g. tempting the monk to sin , and befooling her husband ( or , more seriously , tempting him to indulge in sexual intercourse for its own pleasure and indeed for its cash value ) .
27 this style coincides with the sameness and continuity of one 's meaning for significant others in the immediate community .
28 His style coincides with the inventions of designers — and has been put to work by Karl Lagerfeld , Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein , in particular .
29 Western philosophy coincides with the disclosure of the other where the other , in manifesting itself as a being , loses its alterity .
30 This coincides with the aims of the world chemical industry 's ‘ Responsible Care ’ programme , to which ICI fully subscribes .
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