Example sentences of "convinced [pers pn] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the evidence that has finally convinced me that the neutral theory , if not the whole truth , is at least close to the truth concerns changes in the base sequence of DNA , and not in the amino acid sequence of proteins .
2 I believe this situation is self-explanatory , so I wo n't bother you with details ; suffice it to say that the best engineers in Germany have convinced me that the weakest point in this chain is your body .
3 It was n't just Sunil who had convinced me that the rest of the week would be better spent out of town .
4 Although she says that it was not necessarily an easy step to take , her community was behind her , and the reactions she has had from friends and teachers have convinced her that the step she took was an important one , challenging stereotypes in the West about what it means to be a Muslim girl , and bringing her a great sense of identity and of no longer being at odds with herself .
5 CD 's fourth novel , and the first of the two serialized in his weekly periodical , Master Humphrey 's Clock , 1840–1 , after an early drop in sales had convinced him that the magazine could not succeed as a miscellany .
6 Today Papert is a professor of maths at MIT and those early experiences , extended during his work with Jean Piaget , have convinced him that the way to true understanding is through exploratory interaction with tangible things .
7 They were the disciples of one Malam Ibrahim , a teacher of the Koran whose studies had slowly convinced him that the Jesus of whom he read in its pages was the mediator through whom the prayers of the faithful are offered up to the All-Merciful .
8 Thirdly , the Jacobite Guinea should have convinced him that the thief intended to keep his side of the bargain .
9 Nkomo had convinced him that the black and white people in South Africa are inter-dependent , that bitterness clouds honest thought , and that what is needed is a God-led , non-racial ideology .
10 In an address to the Senate on April 19 Dole said that his visit to the Middle East had convinced him that the March 22 resolution was a mistake and that the issue of Jerusalem had to be decided by negotiation between Arabs and Israelis .
11 Only an agreed statement of his rights vis-à-vis the Christians of the Ottoman Empire would have convinced him that the game had been worth the candle .
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