Example sentences of "aided and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All these changes are aided and influenced by the work and thinking of the Citizens Charter , concerning the development of service standards .
2 After an ignomminious start as ‘ the new Duran Duran ’ , a misinterpretation aided and abeted by a misdirected and consequently misunderstood debut album , ‘ The Party 's Over ’ , it was to take Talk Talk three more albums and three more years to shake that tag off .
3 George Smith , aided and abetted by Martin Crook , unearthed Big-Fin-Reef-Squid E5 6b on the left of Hyll Drem itself before going on to tackle the fins of rock between Primus and Burner , resulting in Of All the Bars in All the World , E6 6b ; apparently every other move involves a knee-bar , but probably only if you 're as tall as George — the rest of us should merely levitate .
4 It has allowed itself to be outsmarted by governments who are not afraid to bend the rules in their favour , aided and abetted by American multi-nationals whose allegiance is to the United States , naturally .
5 The attack on the norms of Classic realism was of course aided and abetted by the emerging school of structuralist critics , most notably Roland Barthes , who , in Le degré zéro de l'écriture ( 1953 ) and in Essais Critiques ( 1964 ) , espoused the efforts of the nouveau roman ( or , more exactly , of Robbe-Grillet ) in overturning the Balzacian bourgeois novel and its attendant retrograde ideology .
6 Its most serious claim is that if a Labour party , elected on a socialist manifesto , attempted to carry out reforms which would seriously shift the balance of power in favour of working-class people , then the ruling class , aided and abetted by the media and US interests .
7 Here , on all sides where this softer rock breaks or underlies the surface , streams flowing down from the upper slopes , aided and abetted by heavy rain , have , ever since the landscape was formed , been slowly penetrating the ground and eroding a honeycomb of underground caverns and passages of amazing dimensions .
8 ‘ We got hit hard on basic ethylene cracking , and the polyethylene business , aided and abetted by overcapacity ’ , said Sanderson .
9 My Old Dobbin syndrome , aided and abetted by friendship with Albert Rhys Williams , was the basic incentive for hitch-hiking about 12,000 miles to and from the interior of Russia during the holidays that summer .
10 It was surprising to see how sentimental some of my Russian pals could be , aided and abetted by the national drink .
11 Her euphoria had been considerably aided and abetted by the intake of some gin and orange drinks and a cocktail or two given freely to those selected few responsible for the organising of such a grand evening .
12 This process is aided and abetted by the trend over the past twenty years to encourage the active participation of fathers in the process of childbirth itself .
13 Here the fuse is used as a back up to the protection afforded by thyristor CSR1 aided and abetted by transistor TR3 .
14 We 're talking major league crunch here , aided and abetted by the sustain of the glued-neck construction and the vibrancy of alder and maple .
15 As a result the impression has grown up that Wordsworth was rather a simple soul — an impression aided and abetted by the maid at Rydal Mount , who told visitors that her master 's study was ‘ in the fields ’ .
16 Eros and death , mingled romantically in his imagination , aided and abetted by Michelet , made these women potent without being overtly sexual .
17 The Court heard that one of the directors had acted while an undischarged bankrupt , aided and abetted by the others , and that they had caused the company to trade without reasonable prospect of payment of creditors ' claims , to retain Crown monies to finance insolvent trading and to abuse banking procedures .
18 All these routes are the work of Nadmi Siddiqui , aided and abetted by Don Campbell , Jim Burton , Shaun Kelly and Andy Stewart .
19 One does not hope to see Les Peard around in the same way as the name of Winston Jones vanished after he handed Scotland their 1984 Grand Slam on a plate , aided and abetted by the British press and its tirade against French forward play .
20 In such ways political actors , aided and abetted by the mass media , help construct images of ‘ reality ’ .
21 But the day-to-day administration of the south-western French possessions of the English crown was in the hands of knightly-seneschals or lawyer-seneschals , aided and abetted by a Gascon council , by their own lieutenants , and ( after 1279 ) by sub-seneschals in the major subdivisions of the duchy .
22 Teds passing round the hat for Jubilee Year — theirs or Hers , we might ask — a welcome for a new generation of Teddy Boys , nostalgia for the old dances that shocked a still older generation , Yorkshire 's oldest Ted holding court , delighted shoppers : the process of rehabilitation , aided and abetted by total amnesia for even the recent past , seems complete .
23 He might have told her that in the United States for over a decade now , the journals and magazines and guide-to-life books , aided and abetted by manufacturers , traders , and advertisers , had sung the song of the perfect home and the perfect homemaker .
24 However , this represents the shape of things to come , with the first type increasingly in the ascendancy aided and abetted by the demand for cheap food and the agricultural policies of successive governments aimed at ensuring the expansion of home production .
25 The " white-knuckle " sufferer who stays away from the substance or behaviour of addiction by grim determination , sometimes aided and abetted by non-addictive , anti-euphoriant or aversion-therapy drugs or processes is a pitiful sight .
26 Cranston was full of good cheer , aided and abetted by an apparently miraculous wineskin which never seemed to empty .
27 Sometimes I feel the romanticising of natural childbirth is yet another example of the seemingly worldwide conspiracy — aided and abetted by many women — to make us all feel guilty for not suffering enough .
28 Our only remotely significant opponents are certain locally-elected politicians , aided and abetted by various unrepresentative members of the teaching force , and by a number of misguided education officers and politicized advisers .
29 Collins , 60 , dismissed the charges as " nothing more than a blatant attempt by a twice-convicted dope dealer , aided and abetted by government agents , to set up a black judge " .
30 Whereas Hitler might hesitate before invading a fellow-member of the Anti-Comintern Pact , he would be unlikely to do so if liberalism returned to Spain , aided and abetted by his enemies .
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