Example sentences of "sounding like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You have n't been sounding like a person who 's feeling better , ’ said Scarlet .
2 Accuracy means speaking without sounding like a foreigner , both in pronunciation , grammar and in the choice of vocabulary .
3 Also worth listening to : the tongue-in-cheek Jigsaw , with its ‘ variations on a Scottish theme ’ , sounding like a bagpipe chanter played by flute and marimba , with accompanying drone from Phillips 's double bass .
4 ‘ There has been no manipulation of the seeding , ’ Millichip insisted , sounding like a character from a Bateman cartoon ( ‘ The Man Who Thought The Draw Was Straight ’ ) .
5 ‘ There has been no manipulation of the seeding , ’ Millichip insisted , sounding like a character from a Bateman cartoon ( ‘ The Man Who Thought The Draw Was Straight ’ ) .
6 Sounding like a variation of Buffalo Tom , the Pixies and Sebadoh ( with hints of The Cure , Teenage Fanclub and Can ) , they 've fused agonised tunes with fey and angst-riddled melodies .
7 I had never fully appreciated what gens the Finzi set in particular contains , with the languorously beautiful ‘ Romance ’ — second of the five — sounding like a variation on the spiritual , Deep River , and the final ‘ Fughetta ’ a breezy and witty hornpipe .
8 Wrinkling her nose Margaret stepped on it , the crunching noise sounding like a gunshot in the hot evening air .
9 However , we all know what it is like to start something entirely new and to be told at the beginning that rows of holes have to be followed by two knit rows and then , when it all seems to be going well , to discover that there are two transferring rows one after the other , sounding like a contradiction in terms .
10 The man moved efficiently past a child who had succeeded in entangling her pony 's reins with her feet and who was being blasted for it by a girl who could n't have been more than sixteen , but was sounding like a woman three times her age .
11 Yet here was this unkempt figure , his long hair lank on his shoulders , leading them into the jaws of the unknown and sounding like a Bible prophet .
12 There are obviously loads of guitar overdubs on it , but they 've managed to keep it sounding like a record made by a three-piece band .
13 The man was excited and let out raucous laughter , sounding like a cross between a throaty American and a macaw .
14 Somehow it came out sounding like an accusation .
15 ‘ We dropped the name ( and image ) because it gave the wrong impression by sounding like an extension of an army camp , ’ says a Raleigh International spokeswoman .
16 ‘ Aliens ! ’ he said , sounding like the compère at a Hallowe'en party .
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