Example sentences of "appealing to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the great families of the Norman and Poitevin marches , the nobles of Aquitaine were not in the habit of appealing to the king of France 's court , as the Lusignans had done in 1202 , against the actions and decisions of their Plantagenet overlord .
2 There was a symmetry she found appealing to the scene .
3 Rather than selecting the particular class of political events as the stuff of history , and then seeking to explain it by appealing to the play of national and personal interest , the Annales school advocates eclectic research into such diverse topics as economics , populations , social institutions , technologies and climate , designed to contribute to a complete picture of social life .
4 Many of these comparisons produce results that can be explained without appealing to the idea that the pre-trained cues become more distinctive .
5 This was clear to Leibniz but not at all to Kant , although Leibniz , not surprisingly , found it difficult to provide a satisfactory clarification of the conditions of intelligibility of the idea of existential uniqueness , or explain why should there not be duplicate universes , and was finally reduced to appealing to the idea of a rationally acting God .
6 Although individualists allow that certain types of individual property may be explained by appealing to the properties of groups , they are committed to the view that other individual properties can not be explained in this fashion .
7 However , this argument assumes that the rules of judicial review which can be waived by appealing to the discretion are themselves clear and certain ; but , as we will see , this is very far from the case .
8 Others extended the land all the way across the Atlantic to explain how some species came to be resident in both North America and Europe , openly appealing to the legend of Atlantis to support this hypothesis , despite the fact that the land-bridge would have been submerged long before the human race appeared .
9 Yet , by appealing to the harvest feast , he also uses the chief ritual of agricultural life as the focus for social comment .
10 Until now I have presented Althusser 's analysis of society as designed to explain social change by appealing to the notion of contradiction .
11 There were two major reports on the news , one showing mass rallies in Spain on the eve of the elections there , hundreds of thousands of ordinary people crammed into sports stadia to hear their party leaders , and the other on the miners ' ballot , with interviews among the miners who travelled in busloads from coalfields in Derbyshire and Lancashire for the Sheffield rally , interviews with Michael McGahey on the road about the vilification of Scargill , and the sight of Scargill himself appealing to the miners to vote for their union and against the National Coal Board .
12 Thus the view that stainless steel knives would have replaced carbon steel ones even if individual industrialists had acted differently is justified by appealing to the competition inherent in capitalist production .
13 But any thought or consideration given to working men was only part of a larger strategy of appealing to the public generally .
14 Such designs encouraged confidence in the acceptance of a coin by appealing to the user 's sense of loyalty ( whether secular or religious ) .
15 How could this situation fail to develop if he ‘ failed to stop the nuisance by appealing to the parents of the young people ’ ?
16 In particular , appealing to the transactions costs involved in buying and selling securities is of limited use as transactions costs are fixed costs which if anything rise less than proportionately to the size of the deal .
17 A constant irritant was contained in the possibility of the king-duke 's Gascon subjects appealing to the court of France , and thereby removing themselves , if only temporarily , from the Plantagenet jurisdiction .
18 Perhaps the most obvious course is to elucidate the strategies of classes by appealing to the constraints under which they labour .
19 We may explain the fact that the production units of a particular industry have grown larger over a period of time by appealing to the economies this yields , and in doing so claim that a cause ( increase in scale ) occurred because of its propensity to have a certain effect ( economies of scale ) .
20 The majority , however , did so by appealing to the view of the Revolution offered by the Convention , that James had abdicated the throne .
21 The total membership of this third class can not be predicted on phonological grounds , nor reliably specified by appealing to the intuitions of native speakers .
22 Attempts to specify constraints on the application of the rule by appealing to the intuitions of the native speaker simply raise a fresh set of problems ( see 7.3.2 ) .
23 The parties are later sent by post either a summary decision or a full written decision as soon as it has been typed up and signed by the chairman , which is accompanied by information about applying for a review of the decision and of appealing to the Employment Appeal Tribunal .
24 Such a combination made Magritte 's work immensely appealing to the Pop Art movement and to the advertising industry , to the artist 's continuing annoyance .
25 The other parties resolutely ignored them , and continued their shameful campaigns based on personally politics , mud-slinging , and appealing to the electorate 's baser instincts of greed and selfishness .
26 One of the main ways in which they did this was by seeking to rally people behind their cause by appealing to the issues of the day , through the press , pulpit , and the speeches given by the candidates at the hustings .
27 Frau Nordern raised her head as if appealing to the Deity presiding over the church .
28 Thus , for example , the way in which it is proposed to structure the rules regulating take-over bids simply reflects a judgment about how far acquiring companies should , through the mechanism of the take-over bid , be given the opportunity of dislodging the managers of the target company — a judgment which can not be justified simply by appealing to the ideal of a free market .
29 Both speakers are trying to establish their own power by appealing to the plebeians whose support they totally depend on .
30 The danger otherwise is the development of utopian ideas about moving towards ideal systems without true recognition of the problems involved , ideas that , at a global level of consideration , can also seem appealing to the client .
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