Example sentences of "insisting that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Peat cutting became a major industry in the Lancashire mosses in the nineteenth century , and on maps of Wicken Fen and Hatfield Chase , you will find ‘ Poor Piece ’ , which was where the local cottagers could cut peat for themselves , subject to regulations prescribing a limited season for peat cutting and insisting that a man may extract as much peat as he can , provided he does not employ assistance .
2 Byelaws are generally made to ensure proper precautions are taken to prevent or reduce the odour , for example , by insisting that a fish frying stove should be accessible and easily removed for cleaning , and has a satisfactory fume extraction system .
3 It does this by insisting that a belief which is not about our own sensory states ( immediate experience ) must , if it is to be justified , be justified by appeal to beliefs which are about our own sensory states .
4 The sceptic , it is argued , may well concede that the conceptual scheme that we use and rely on makes sense only if we posit the possibility of re-identifiable particulars , while at the same time insisting that no proof can be supplied of their actual existence .
5 In insisting that no changes had been made to the original plan , his team was being economical with the truth .
6 ‘ Nobody who spends £500 on a jacket wants to discard it the following year , ’ he believes , insisting that no Armani design dates before it dies of old age .
7 I thought it likely that an unruly argument would develop between them , with Syl insisting that no woman could get enough admiration and Lili denying it .
8 Now the headmaster is insisting that every child should possess a pair of lace-up shoes .
9 The General Manager in Riyadh , in an excess of loyalty , had tried to protect Laing 's career by only insisting that every riyal be returned to the Ministry 's account , something that had now been done .
10 Robert Beale , Clerk to the Privy Council , insisting that the Secretary must know almost everything about the affairs of England and her neighbours , recommended that the essential material be stored in ten or twelve great books : one would contain treaties ; another would list recusants ; a third would deal with the Councils in the Marches and in the North ; and so on .
11 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
12 Even yesterday , Mr Hurd was insisting that the UK would not ratify unless the Bill was approved by Parliament .
13 The future of the ABA was threatened last year when the Council withdrew funding , insisting that the boxing organisation needed to change the way it managed its affairs .
14 While the Jakarta meeting was taking place the SOC Foreign Minister , Hor Nam Hong , sent a memorandum to the co-chairs of the PICC insisting that the powers of the UNTAC should be " very clearly defined " and that the two rival Cambodian governments should not be dissolved in the transitional period before elections .
15 Until this week the government negotiating team , led by the minister of constitutional development , Roelf Meyer , had been insisting that the powers , duties and functions of regional governments should be fixed as constitutional principles which would bind a future elected constituent assembly .
16 The 1909 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws found that for widows the first recommendation of 1871 was generally observed , some Boards of Guardians going further and insisting that the widow maintain two children by herself before any relief was given , while others refused relief to healthy able-bodied widows no matter how many children they had .
17 Conventionally lenders seek to limit their risk of the borrower defaulting by insisting that the borrower provides good security to support the loan .
18 Secondly , it is seen in a whole host of tactics and alternative strategies to the simple procedure of insisting that the sufferer goes for treatment just as he or she would do for any other disease .
19 The law of course , insisting that the spirit rather than the letter must be obeyed , never allowed such a thing .
20 Mr Nibbs tempers the Nail 's desire for vengeance against the King , insisting that the King be treated justly — taken down a peg or two without injury .
21 In the face of the administration 's intense opposition , it cut $900 million from the amount requested by Bush , allocating $3,500 million for SDI , and also insisting that the emphasis of the programme was altered from research into space-based interceptors ( the " brilliant pebbles " concept ) to ground-based rockets and lasers .
22 Akashi was reported to have dismissed these Khmer Rouge demands , insisting that the peace agreement provided for the country 's Vietnamese-installed administration to remain in place until replaced by an elected government in April or May 1993 .
23 The Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , has adopted the same position as his predecessors , Sir Geoffrey Howe and Mr John Major , insisting that the deportations are an essential deterrent against a fresh influx of Vietnamese next year .
24 Despite a devastating 6–2 , 6–2 victory over Manuela Maleeva-Fragniere in the first round of the Virginia Slims Championships in New York , which left Maleeva insisting that the American is still playing well enough to be number one , Martina believes she can feel the winds of time beginning to blow .
25 The decision must , with respect , be regarded as a misapplication of Morris , since the majority relied on Tesco Supermarkets Ltd. v. Nattrass for the directing mind doctrine and refused to apply Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) , insisting that the transaction between the husband and the company was ‘ consensual . ’
26 On Nov. 12 the government announced that it had accepted the resignation of the three most senior commanders of the armed forces , while insisting that the reshuffle was part of routine annual promotions and that there was no question of disagreement with the military over the handling of the anti-guerrilla crackdown .
27 The party , for example , has always opposed mandatory comprehensive secondary education , insisting that the choice be left to each local authority .
28 Yes , the Government are insisting that the bills are paid on time when the work has been done , and that that should flow through the system from the main contractors to the sub-contractor .
29 But Ministers are insisting that the plan is only an idea , and that young and old wo n't be allowed to mix .
30 The Slovak side was insisting that the treaty should have legal force , while the Czech side opposed this , fearing that it might supersede the Constitution .
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