Example sentences of "bent over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bent over a crate of bottles , with his back to Timothy , Mr Plant gave a startled grunt .
2 Close by , a couple of humans were bent over a piece of machinery on a tripod .
3 I remember a case where an architect designer , without excuse bent over the shoulder of his employee , a brilliant 22-year-old designer , and put his name unashamedly to the novel ideas and design of the young man , claiming them for his own .
4 Paula 's head was bent over the map , acting as navigator for the route to the point where they would attempt the crossing into Germany .
5 Can a row about the endless Saturday afternoons he now spends bent over the bonnet of his old car be used as a vehicle for their underlying struggle ?
6 Mada Joyce and a neighbour bent over the cooking fire arguing over the best decoction of herbs for the girl 's condition .
7 She watched him through her fingers as he went down the garden and bent over the hole .
8 Ward opened up the paper to reveal two tiny clay figures interlocked , the woman with her head bent over the man 's huge phallic erection .
9 ‘ Oh , God , why do n't people learn from other people 's mistakes ? ’ the big man muttered , and bent over the child .
10 He had pointed along the bank to where an elderly Arab was standing in the water bent over the gunwale of a small , crazily-built boat .
11 He was bent over the prow of a little wooden sailboat — he was obviously having a rest from speedboat practice today — and was busily tightening something with a big screwdriver .
12 She walked across and bent over the girl .
13 In an anxious world serenity as cause of heightened anxiety , he wrote , and Goldberg , seizing his felt-tip pen , bent over the typewriter and wrote in the margin anxiety ? serenity ?
14 Bragg pushed his way through and bent over the body .
15 Kneeling , with my head bent over the lavatory , it was some time before I realised this sickness was not a thing I could throw up .
16 Slowly curl until the weights touch your chest , staying bent over the weight all the time .
17 Bent over the light-flashing , peeping fax machines , the mill and gallery 's owner , Jonathan Silver , checked detailed assembly instructions previously faxed by the artist .
18 He took the candle from the table and bent over the fireplace , setting the twigs ablaze .
19 Georgia was bent over the basin , throwing up .
20 The driver was bent over the wheel , while his passengers leant out of their windows waving and shouting to attract the attention of the taxi driver .
21 A rapid gear change gave them speed on the corner and he sat bent over the wheel , concentrating fiercely on the road through the sheets of rain .
22 With my head bent over the sink I had plenty of time to work out my options .
23 Her fluffy white head was bent over the bag .
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