Example sentences of "to mean [that] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Er it is not asking the panel to n you know to draft a rite that would used and I , I would interpret this to mean that it 's asking the panel to look up the theological propriety if you like of such a rite and bring forward suggestions which would then be passed for implementation , if so decided , to the panel on worship .
2 Secondly , if , instead of being treated as a claim about the actual functioning of the suggested markets , the argument is taken to mean that it is possible to design a set of rules such that the proposed markets do operate to restrain corporate managerial power , it encounters an overwhelming obstacle .
3 Relative to the matter in hand I take it to mean that it is to do with the budget er to prepare for this County and do not er to be the irrelevancies of machination in other places .
4 As we have seen , he claims to have had glimpses only of absolute Truth and we have interpreted this to mean that he is often made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain ethical and religious principles and to travel in a certain spirit .
5 I take this to mean that there is an equality , a reciprocity between the aesthetic and the political such that an aesthetic dimension or response can give the lie to a political claim .
6 By a kind of rational conjuring , this is taken to mean that there is a natural order of internalization for these forms , a function in all probability of a universal Chomskyan Language Acquisition Device .
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