Example sentences of "drifted [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The purplish thing drifted on to the beach , but I felt too lazy to walk over and examine it .
2 The subsequent disaster as the stricken vessel drifted on to the rocks , devastating bird life , and leaving an as yet unknown legacy in terms of aquatic pollution , was watched in horror by millions of people as events unfolded .
3 He retired to his charpoy leaving Mrs Puri 's lawn resembling an open-cast coal mine ; on one side a slag heap drifted on to the driveway , blocking access to or from the house .
4 Dead graptoloids simply drifted down to the bottom where they were preserved by dark muds at a depth at which there was little oxygen in the water to support bottom-dwelling organisms .
5 He let his eyes travel over her , openly appraising , as his gaze took in the firm , high breasts , softly moulded by the cashmere of her sweater-dress , then drifted down to the dip of her waist and the womanly curves of her hips and thighs .
6 A cautious opening in New York produced a further round of price-cutting in the afternoon and , with investors setting off early for the Easter break , the Footsie drifted in to a 2638.6 point close , down 1.6 on the day .
7 Kebbel 's eyes drifted over to the window .
8 Nkrumah dealt with the rebels by expelling 81 CPP members ; many of them drifted over to the NPP .
9 You 've never heard a speed-thrash organ pop LP called ‘ Life ’ , never experienced ‘ The Beast Inside ’ 's prog rock excesses and never drifted off to the gorgeous pop of ‘ This Is How It Feels ’ .
10 Much of Piffetti 's work is still to be found in the royal palaces of Turin , but several superb pieces , including two exquisite pedestals , drifted off to the Quirinal in Rome , and an altar-frontal of unbelievable complexity is in the Vatican .
11 Large as icebergs they drifted off to the north carrying the remaining followers of the Witch King .
12 Poor Michael — he drifted out to a horrendous 93 today ( 20 over par ) in the punishing winds .
13 Disgusted by his own conceit , Maxim drifted out to the steps down to the lawn — the night was still warm enough for the big windows to be open-flanked by two huge , discreetly floodlit magnolia trees .
14 While many British evacuees drifted back to the cities once the threat of an invasion had been lifted , refugee children were actively discouraged from returning to the urban life .
15 Would those who supported the SDP last Thursday — not to mention the huge number , perhaps three-quarters of a million , who drifted back to the Conservatives for fear of a Labour government — still support it ?
16 Her mind drifted back to the first day they 'd seen Crystal Springs .
17 And then , as we drifted back to the ship after a placid midday meal , a shadow darkened our cheerful day .
18 His thoughts drifted back to the Connons .
19 There was something nice and safe about an old-fashioned waltz , she decided , settling into the comfortable circle of Jim 's arms as they drifted back to the dance floor .
20 Without her realising it , Fabia 's thoughts drifted back to the Gloucestershire home she shared with her parents in the village of Hawk Lacey .
21 At one school during a parents ' coffee morning the conversation drifted around to the subject to school uniform .
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