Example sentences of "to imagine [that] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 However , although it is very likely that the British industrial revolution would have occurred without these funds , it is difficult to imagine that Britain would have achieved the kind of scale and pace of industrial development that it did without access to these funds and to the markets provided by the colonies .
2 In such a case , it seems inconceivable and well nigh insane to imagine that Britain would stand out .
3 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
4 I began to imagine that Pyke would understand everything I said .
5 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
6 To imagine other worlds was to imagine that Christ might have died and been resurrected more than once , or that their inhabitants might be restored to eternal life without a knowledge of the Son of God .
7 But for most it is difficult to imagine that minerals may also have consciousness .
8 Today , it is easy to imagine that Romanians would indeed welcome Soviet forces with open arms as liberators .
9 It would be foolish to imagine that GIS can assist in all hazard studies , emergencies and disasters .
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