Example sentences of "an' [pers pn] [vb base] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 An' I du n no 'ow long I 'll be livin' 'fore I 'm sick like yore ol' lady 'angin' rahnd ver launjrette an' waitin' up fer ol' man an' 'avin' Gawd knows 'ow many kids 'angin' rahnd me an' ‘ Mummy this ’ and ‘ Mummy that ’ my Gawd if you mus ' know Sharon all my life all I fuckin' wanner do is shine up there like a dancer or sunnink .
2 So I can 'ave my picture in Vanity Fair wearing purple an' yellow tights , an' I do n't look anyfink at all like a sad old queen who 's seen much better days .
3 An' I do n't want anything from that house or yer mother , ’ he told her .
4 An' I do n't know 'ow I 'm gooin' ter pay it back if yer leave 'ome now . ’
5 ‘ I do n't want ter see yer round 'ere any more an' I do n't want Katie to come near yower place either ! ’
6 People like Joe Maitland make enemies an' I do n't want you gettin' involved wiv somefink what 's got nuffink ter do wiv yer , d'yer understand ? ’
7 'E 's a man wivout pity an' 'e do n't care who 'e steps on ter get what 'e wants .
8 An' Ah do n't think .
9 ‘ Oh you go back if yer want to , but it seems ter me that yow 've served yer purpose now an' she do n't want yer any more .
10 If yer train 'em right they do their business in a tray in the yard , an' they do n't take much ter keep . ’
11 An' it do n't make a flippin' bit o' difference if you 're Chinese . ’
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