Example sentences of "arise [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth stressing that this study did not arise out of a leisured academic interest but out of an urgent need for material to use therapeutically with highly-disturbed young people .
2 ( Yet again it must be said — an argument which does not directly arise out of a golden thread approach but which is pertinent here — the two passages in the new testament which speak of women 's subordination both rely on the Genesis account of creation and fall , an account no longer valid in a post-Darwinian age . )
3 The first submission by Mr. Ashworth was that a public nuisance can not arise out of a lawful act , whatever its consequences , and as what is complained of here , namely heavy goods vehicles being driven along Medway and Bridge Roads , is a lawful act , no public nuisance can arise .
4 As Herman explains , ‘ [ c ] ollective action may result from structural ties between firms that integrate their interest and facilitate coordination between them — such as a common ownership interest — or it may arise out of a recognized common interest or mutual business interdependence with minimal personal contact and communications among the companies and their officials .
5 This might sound like an accurate description of your holiday planning and did indeed arise out of a closely related activity : weather forecasting .
6 If it is correct , in general , that a public nuisance can not arise out of the lawful use of a highway , as Mr. Ashworth submitted , it is not , in my judgment , because there is no unlawful act .
7 ( c ) The causation of the public nuisance or the threat to public order must arise out of the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor .
8 Other negative feelings may arise out of the learning situation itself , or the student 's total ignorance of the language to be learned .
9 This is something just to absolutely specific about it , which will actually arise out of the work done by the district councils in their local plans .
10 For instance erm if you 're communicating via a typewriter , there are various common mistakes which can arise out of the fact that two keys are close together , and so you 've hit one key when you meant the other , and knowing that can help the computer to work out what you intended .
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