Example sentences of "enable them [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It would enable them to take the surrender of the 200,000 Croats on their arrival in Austria and hand them back to the " local Jugoslav forces " , without having to be concerned by the general instruction that all surrendering Yugoslavs should be retained pending a political decision as to their ultimate disposal .
2 Such recordings would enable them to monitor the effectiveness of certain maintenance and operational procedures by means of automatic read-out and computerised analysis .
3 Matters have come to a head with the publication of a new and more detailed insurance group rating system which insurers say will enable them to pinpoint the higher risk models more accurately .
4 The aim of this guidance document is to provide users with information that will enable them to use the new Sciences provision effectively .
5 In the result , therefore , there may be foreign pre-trial procedures available to the parties which will enable them to overcome the limitations on the territorial scope of the procedures normally available in England .
6 This will enable them to cover the rental on the ground and to fund eventual purchase .
7 In each of the corners of the civilised world , men and women pondered the flawed and tragic conditions of human life and attempted to find solutions that would enable them to survive the suffering that flesh is heir to .
8 The new estimate of the distance to the LMC will enable them to measure the size of the Universe to within 10 to 15 per cent .
9 They also stressed the importance of maintaining a price structure which continued to attract off-peak loads , such as cooking , water heating and non-winter space heating , and which would enable them to increase the consumption of small consumers to more economic levels .
10 Taiwan 's telecommunications industry is objecting to a plan by the Directorate General of Telecommunications to invite only foreign bidders for its Intelligent Network project : domestic companies claim to have 80% of the necessary capabilities for the $285,000N project , and are arguing that agreements with foreign partners would enable them to fulfil the conditions .
11 What is required is a policy of allocating resources in such quantity and quality in favour of working class or ethnic minority groups as will enable them to have the same effective equality of opportunity in schools as middle-class children .
12 What the students want her to do is to give them some basic facts that will enable them to read the novels as simple straightforward reflections of ‘ reality ’ , and to write simple , straightforward , exam-passing essays about them .
13 What the students want her to do is to give them some basic facts that will enable them to read the novels as simple straightforward reflections of ‘ reality ’ , and to write simple , straightforward , exam-passing essays about them .
14 Does it enable them to make the right choice in the heat of the moment ?
15 The French have gone a long way towards providing a road and water supply and members of the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation are studying in Budapest , Vienna and Germany to obtain qualifications in medicine , physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other skills which will enable them to provide the day-to-day care of the residents in the future .
16 That outcome of the long process of evolution which will enable them to govern the uses of their own physical mechanisms .
17 The Mensheviks , convinced that only an early peace would enable them to consolidate the new regime , looked to the Stockholm conference in much the same spirit as did Ramsay MacDonald — to mobilize democratic forces in Western Europe to impose a negotiated peace on the warring states .
18 What they want to do next is to use deuterium and tritium together in the machine , since the dt reaction releases more energy per fusion than does the dd , and so Princeton hope that the faster energy release might enable them to cross the breakeven threshold .
19 The major role of the school librarian or resources manager is to provide access to the kind of information users require and especially in schools , to help users develop the skills which will enable them to identify the purpose of , find and use that information .
20 In my opinion the rise of absolute egalitarianism was a tactical move , the C C P hoped that land reform would be the key to the rapid mobilization of peasants which would enable them to defeat the superior forces of the K M T. They thought that the advantages of heightening peasant mobilization outweighed the drawbacks of narrowing its support base .
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