Example sentences of "locked away in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The pistol would be discreetly locked away in a cupboard .
2 Everything the Bookman did was recorded one way or another and now the piles of notes , drawings and maps were locked away in a safe .
3 This coy introduction refers to a problem consisting of a ‘ vegetable ’ child who is kept locked away in a cupboard , and who they eventually kill .
4 But some of them are bad-tempered ratbags who should be locked away in a cellar with a lot of other feminists .
5 But whatever the origins the fairy folk warning has never been left to chance and the ‘ Luck ’ still exists ; it is either locked away in a strong room on the premises or according to some accounts stored safely in the custody of the Bank of England .
6 Snow White 's stepmother plots infanticide , Cinderella becomes a slave to her sisters , Rapunzel is locked away in a tower and denied her adolescence .
7 ‘ It really was n't so very difficult , though your precious Shannon seems to believe her sordid little secrets are locked away in a safe somewhere . ’
8 A nice example of sophisticated linguistic play lies at the heart of Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue : a tale in which a beautiful young woman , locked away in a tower by her jealous father , one day desires to buy a bird ( a crane ) from a young man passing by , and is told it will cost a foutre , a " fuck " .
9 Do you have them locked away in a bank vault ?
10 It 's almost as if Hook Norton Brewery were locked away in a time warp ; even in the heart of the brewery , the steam engine which runs it is still there .
11 ’ You 'd be locked away in no time at all .
12 In 1989 their parents asked for the twins ' photograph to be published in a Sunday newspaper and vowed that they would never be locked away in an institution .
13 They were , however , quite emphatic that there are large quantities of plant nutrients locked away in the soil structure .
14 The sachets of white pills were locked away in the school secretary 's cupboard .
15 So , in the space of three years , the curious puzzle of the shrinking Sun has taken researchers from the studies of dusty old records locked away in the files of the world 's most famous observatory to speculations about the internal workings of the Sun and a grim warning of the possible climatic future that will confront the next generation of human beings on an already overcrowded planet .
16 They are kept securely locked away in the treasure house of the Emperor , but are sometimes brought out and used in times of extreme need by mighty heroes or powerful wizards .
17 The quality of a work of art , that is to say the maximum level of effectiveness of a work of art , resides in the precision of the means employed to achieve the most profound results , to release the hidden resources locked away in the depths of the reader 's psyche .
18 skilful narrative technique , in other words , is the only means of releasing the hidden capabilities locked away in the inner recesses of the reader 's consciousness .
19 Maybe it was locked away in the studio or maybe it was true he had nothing there .
20 It 's not that they 're in rehabilitation , it 's just like seeing that person is locked away in the prime of their lives revenge .
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