Example sentences of "reign of [noun prp] the " in BNC.

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1 The reign of Catherine the Great ( 1762–96 ) saw the largest territorial acquisitions since the sixteenth century .
2 The most spectacular rise in her international status occurred in the reign of Peter the Great ( 1682–1725 ) .
3 However , during the reign of Peter the Great ( 1682–1725 ) , tremendous changes were introduced into every sphere of Russian life which , as far as Siberia was concerned , meant a greater element of state intervention , of dirigisme , particularly in the exploration and scientific investigation of Siberia 's natural and economic resources .
4 If the flow of compulsory exiles to Siberia decreased during the reign of Peter the Great , so did the rate of voluntary fugitives from central European Russia increase by leaps and bounds .
5 fourth , the regularization of commercial relations with China by the treaties of Nerchinsk ( 1689 ) and Kyakhta ( 1727 ) , and also the building of fortified ‘ lines ’ ( linii ) in the relatively fertile southern borderlands , created stable conditions there for trade , agriculture and settlement , as did the annexation of the rich Gornyi Altai district to the empire in 1758. fifth , after the comparative lull during the reign of Peter the Great , the St Petersburg authorities resorted with increasing frequency to the practice of exiling malefactors and malcontents to Siberia , with the twin aims of punishment and colonization .
6 Among the pieces of evidence advanced for the traditional view , for example , are the facts that until late in the reign of Suleyman the Muftis were considerably less well-paid than the kazaskers and that the Muftis did not sit in the divan whereas the kazaskers did .
7 From this period until the reign of Constantine the emperor and his mature male subjects were almost invariably bearded .
8 You 've described your coin very carefully and therefore I am able to tell you that it is a barbarous version of a standard issue from the reign of Constantine the Great ( 307–337 AD ) .
9 By the reign of Edward the Confessor , its population may have reached 2000 .
10 It was a struggle which came to a head in the reign of Edward the Confessor , which began in 1042 .
11 By the reign of Edward the Confessor royal writs were authenticated by having a two-sided seal attached .
12 Although he could trace his ancestors back to the reign of James the first , he had not been able to find a single man on that tree of immoralities — even to the bloodiest root — who had caused , either by his hand or hiring , what he , Estabrook , was out this midnight to contrive : the murder of his wife .
13 ‘ Before the reign of James the Fifth , a Highland Laird made a trial of his wife for a certain time , and if she did not please him , he was then at liberty to send her away ’ — which is exactly what took place when a Macdonald married a Macleod .
14 Within the Tower 's walls stood its keep , the imposing White Tower which for the two hundred and fifty years since the reign of Henry the Third had been regularly whitewashed .
15 The photograph on page 128 is of the gate of the original school established in the reign of Henry the Eighth and not the much later Grammar School building described in the adjoining text .
16 But yes , erm it , it 's partly sediment brought down from inland , it 's also the fact that you have offshore of Rye the area of Winchelsea Beach and so-called Rye Harbour which is somewhat detached from the town of Rye , and there 's been an enormous accumulation of shingle there , so that the Castle , which was built in , that 's Camber Castle which was built in the reign of Henry the Eighth , since that time the shoreline at Winchelsea Beach , as a result of the accumulation of shingle , has moved in excess of one point five kilometres seaward of that point , and so obviously erm Rye is now much further inland than it was at that time .
17 Style of architecture etcetera , prevalent during the reign of Louis the fifteenth
18 Bird , female of the ruff style of architecture prominent during the reign of Louis the f fifteenth .
19 from the reign of Ivan the Terrible ( 1547–84 ) to the present day , Russia 's northern empire east of the Urals has played an often crucial — sometimes direct , sometimes indirect — though frequently unacknowledged , role in the development of the Russian state and society .
20 The only agreement between them is that the birth of Jesus took place in the reign of Herod the Great , in the town of Bethlehem , and that Mary and Joseph were the names of his parents .
21 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
22 Until well into the reign of Augustus the display of Greek art in Rome was more closely linked to political advancement and military might than to religious belief and aesthetic appreciation .
23 In the Gesta this genealogy creates a sharp contrast between the kings and the counts of Anjou , whose origins are said to lie in a ‘ new man ’ , a forester of the reign of Charles the Bald .
24 Neither aprisiones nor hospitia are documented before the Carolingian period , and they occur more often in the reign of Charles the Bald than previously .
25 Such growth is documented before the reign of Charles the Bald : the polyptych of St-Victor Marseilles dates from the later years of Charlemagne 's reign , that of St-Germain ( probably ) from the earlier part of Louis the Pious 's .
26 During the reign of Charles the Bald , however , such developments not only continued but showed cumulative effects .
27 But by the reign of Charles the Bald , while the court remained a large consumer , demand had spread more widely among the elite , and cash transactions multiplied in the countryside .
28 Thus V ) 114 , 3 , 90 means on the ninetieth day of the season of Sun in the one hundred and fourteenth year of the reign of Caradryel the Peacemaker .
29 These were a mixed lot , for the University had been put together by stages since its original foundation in the late reign of George the Fourth .
30 The tunnels were built in the reign of George the third … but engineers say they 've stood up to two centuries of wear remarkably well .
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