Example sentences of "worn down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
2 He was a young man , probably no more than twenty ; his teeth were worn down to the stumps by rough ground corn , the tops so sliced through they might have been cut with a circular saw and the resulting surface polished with emery paper .
3 I was terribly embarrassed ; not only was I a convent girl but the skirts were worn down to the ankles and women just did n't show their legs in those days .
4 There is no point in a defendant blaming his defective brakes if he was going so fast that nothing could have stopped him , or in blaming a puncture if he was driving on a tyre that was worn down to the canvas .
5 He reckoned he had picked the wrong waves at the Hard Rock at Sunset , and was worn down by the sheer hard labour of surfing so long in such arduous conditions .
6 At the end of August 1797 Coleridge was in low spirits and unwell , worn down by the ‘ Malignity of the Aristocrats ’ , who had brought the spy to Stowey , by the need to disappoint John Thelwall 's hopes of a Somerset home , and by poverty .
7 Ira Dilworth was being worn down by the picayune squabbling of party politicians who were attempting , and with some success , to make a French/Canadian political football of the CBC .
8 The 1992 world champion had been in a subdued mood all weekend and it was clear he was being worn down by the continuing rumours over his future .
9 We were already worn down by the long night and another was almost unthinkable — our sleeping bags would be a frozen mass of down by evening .
10 Self , worn down by the struggle , seems eventually to have been convinced that the measurement of divisional performance by budgetary control and other yardsticks was not possible .
11 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
12 The distinct lozenges of mud have gone , worn down by the weather , but it is possible to see their outlines in the dissolving walls .
13 But even he was being worn down by the uneventful march of days .
14 He was sick of the sound of keys and worn down by the slicing pain .
15 Waterloo , having been worn down in the trench warfare , were left with little option but to run the ball and were still in the match when , from 30 yards range , Buckton fashioned a fine try for the lively Saverimutto .
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