Example sentences of "forever [v-ing] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For some reason I thought of President Kennedy , bounding down the corridors of power , forever chasing the flick of a skirt , the back of a knee , the glorious in pursuit of the grateful .
2 But it is the parent who is forever admonishing the infant to ‘ be careful ’ who is more likely to instil fear into the young mind .
3 This is 2.65m ( 8ft 8in ) long so you are not forever dragging an extension lead socket around the workplace .
4 The album has its moments , and some people — forever willing a return to greatness from Dylan — will no doubt say it 's a masterwork .
5 Make a simple one-pot meal for Saturday evening dinner ( like a stew in the slo-cooker , so that you are not forever preparing the meal and forever washing up ) .
6 In fact , he managed perfectly well if you did n't count a certain lack of variety in his evening meals and the fact that he was forever missing the lunch that the boys brought over from the mensa dead on twelve-thirty .
7 If each firm believes the other 's threat to minimax forever following a defection , its best response is not to defect .
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