Example sentences of "spread [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 It was usually something quite silly and trivial , like leaving the taps running in the bath huts or over-stuffing the dustbins so that mess and litter was spread all over the ground , but sometimes someone 's carelessness resulted in the whole inadequate drainage system being completely overloaded and clogged up .
2 At the same time , the company 's interests had spread all over the world , far beyond the milk-round set up by his father .
3 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
4 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
5 ‘ Their pictures were spread all over the news bulletins .
6 Jesus ' fame had spread all over the region ; Matthew , as a man in the centre of the financial world of that place must have heard of Jesus already .
7 Letters to be read out were spread all over the desk , along with newspaper clippings and research notes on my two guests .
8 Cherry was spread all over the chaise longue , looking a little more or less natural in his crepe-de-Walthamstow gown .
9 But , but , genes themselves are spread all over the perimeter , so you might well find that er genes there 's more of them
10 We 've got 37,000 members who are spread all over the country .
11 It has two components : a quoted margin above ( although sometimes below ) the reference rate , and a capital gain or loss element which is calculated under the assumption that the difference between the current price of the FRN and the maturity value is spread evenly over the remaining life of the FRN .
12 For example , people paid £100 per week , whose expenditure is spread evenly over the week and who spend all the £100 by the end of the week , will have roughly £50 ( in the bank or in cash ) on average : that is , mid-way between pay days .
13 The pattern of angina and reinfarction is mimicked by the pattern of intervention , and our experience is that half of all interventions take place in the first 3 months and the rest are spread out over the next 2 years .
14 A hard copy map of their course was spread out over the console before him .
15 Most of us have no idea how much we actually pay for services , because in fact we do buy parts at odd times when they are needed , so the cost is spread out over the year .
16 Erm , it could have been spread out over the whole twenty five years as it is with other products , but in life assurance at the moment , it 's out of those first four years .
17 And I think that has spread out over the rest of the week as well . ’
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