Example sentences of "resulted from [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Aristotle 's argument concerns the question of what it is that makes an action ‘ voluntary ’ , done of a person 's own free will , and in order to answer this question , he distinguished between actions whose origin was ‘ inside ’ a person , and those whose origin was ‘ outside ’ , which resulted from external influences or pressure or compulsion .
2 In part this resulted from increased opportunities for exporting to the periphery .
3 Ann was helped to see that this problem originally resulted from displaced resentments about Charles 's infidelity .
4 The specimens resulted from therapeutic abortions , miscarriages , and cot deaths .
5 They were closely linked with this , and in some cases it is clear that the growth or decline of a town resulted from economic changes in the surrounding rural area .
6 None the less , its economy had in some ways benefited from the diversification and protection from external competition which resulted from international sanctions imposed after the unilateral declaration of independence by the white minority government in 1965 .
7 Both exploited to the utmost the greatest telescopic resources of their times , and for both many of their discoveries resulted from massive programmes of systematic investigations .
8 The accord resulted from informal talks held over the previous year .
9 Its main conclusion is that there has been no measurable radiological effects on the health of local people , and that the only significant problems resulted from psychological factors , notably stress .
10 Of the many explanations for the collapse in the ninth century after such intensive cultivation without metals for 6–16 centuries , the most plausible is that it resulted from sustained failures of maize due to a leafhopper-borne virus , maize mosaic virus , which may have originated in northern South America at roughly the same time as maize was brought to the Caribbean by the Arawak about the time of Christ .
11 Before 1983 the reports that resulted from full inspections were confidential and sent only to the LEA , the school 's governors , and the headteacher .
12 Dowie claims that between 500 and 900 burn deaths resulted from ensuing explosions .
13 Refinement is perhaps something of a euphemism since these alterations resulted from differing estimates of the degree of error in the data , and frequently the figures show a large balancing item which is the sum total of errors and omissions .
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