Example sentences of "relate to [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They relate to such things as children 's nightdresses , carrycot stands , electric blankets , prams and pushchairs , cosmetics , colour coding of electrical appliances and upholstered furniture .
2 It is not known if any of these birds had escaped from collections , but a number of more recent reports certainly relate to such birds and are , therefore , disregarded .
3 How does Compact relate to such curriculum initiatives as TVEI , CPVE , etc. ?
4 It is important to emphasize , however , that Czerny and Hummel give us no clearly determinable pattern of tempo differentiations as they relate to such tempo words as Allegro , Allegretto and Moderato .
5 The missions of these different educational and training programmes and how they relate to each other must be made clear .
6 The term structure is taken from the physical world where objects relate to each other differently .
7 To understand the AL of communicating one has to understand how people relate to each other .
8 We can see their expressions , and how they relate to each other as a group .
9 Tarantino catches the way men relate to each other , how they talk and what they talk about , but pushes their banter to a blackly comic self-destructive conclusion .
10 The ‘ paths that seldom mortal goes ’ may recall fleetingly the ‘ hidden paths ’ of the hobbits ' walking-song , and its similar oscillation between adventure and homesickness ; in this sense the two stylistically quite different poems relate to each other like elvish assonances , hinting at a pattern but stressing change as much as identity .
11 Appreciate how individual products relate to each other .
12 The disposition of the rooms and the hang within each room have been rethought to take account of modern preoccupations : the national Schools of painting now relate to each other as do the countries on the map of Europe , with France situated between Italy and Spain and Holland .
13 This method gives children a clear idea of how groups of words relate to each other and makes it easier for them to remember new words and meanings .
14 Broadening this analysis , we might note that there is considerable variation in different cultures about how the two principles of blood and marriage relate to each other , and therefore in the code of conduct upon which in-law relationships are based .
15 We can study in detail how the complementary descriptions of position and momentum relate to each other .
16 The interpretation of individual sites is then followed by that of the archaeology of a particular region , studying all the relevant sites and finds to assess how they relate to each other .
17 Little mention has been made so far of those elements of material forms which relate to each other in an ordered fashion , and which may thereby influence the manner in which they are utilized in constituting cultural patterns or acting as systems of meaning .
18 Second , there are surface connections which establish interrelationships between persons and events ; these allow us to trace participants in a text and to interpret the way in which different parts of the text relate to each other ( cohesion ) .
19 We have expectations of the way people relate to each other and of the roles they play within families .
20 It embraces the various institutions that make up that the state — the House of Commons , the Cabinet , the civil service and so on — as well as the fundamental practices and rules that identify which institutions have power and how they relate to each other and to the larger political community .
21 The corporate-strategy literature now offers a more systematic approach to the precise definition of what the critical success factors need to be in each specific business setting and especially how they relate to each other within a model of success .
22 Within the public sector we need to be aware of formal relations existing at different levels and we need to show how these organisations relate to each other .
23 She 's got a private code book but the point is that only she knows how the symbols , how the manifest and latent relate to each other , because only she can make those associated links .
24 As it stands , this organisation does not make clear how the parts relate to each other , what the development is , or even what the point is of some of the parts ( why should there be a special section devoted to her final novel but not the others , for example ? ) .
25 Little progress has been made in terms of developing a theory of the disorder which would provide greater understanding of how and why these factors relate to each other .
26 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
27 The initiatives identified in this section relate to all road users .
28 The initiatives identified in this section relate to all road users .
29 These statistics relate to all actions in the Queen 's Bench Division .
30 Sales promotions relate to all types of sales setting , and their growth and importance have been shown in respect of consumer markets , trade markets and as an aid to sales personnel motivation .
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