Example sentences of "pressing for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had been pressing for the opportunity to abandon himself , free of dogma , and here it was .
2 By the 1830's the richer proprietors were pressing for the alienation of the commons .
3 In the Habsburg territories Joseph II treated other members of the ruling family with a studied rudeness which shocked contemporaries : in the 1780s he deeply antagonized his younger brother and successor Leopold , Grand Duke of Tuscany , by pressing for the merging of the Grand Duchy with the hereditary lands of the monarchy .
4 Pressing for the abolition of the pernicious fee system had been an obvious target but he also pressed for liquor taps to be banned and the sale of drink to inmates to be closely regulated ; for the gaolers to be resident at the gaol instead of offering only minimal supervision if they lived away from it ; for the provision of chaplains and doctors and the detailing and publishing of prison rules and regulations .
5 The government is committed to closing the plant by the end of this year , but the local nuclear lobby is pressing for the deadline to be extended , arguing that it is dangerous to close a reactor down quickly .
6 George Dempster , the member of parliament for Dundee burghs , whose election at St. Andrews would ‘ certainly turn on a single vote unless I am able to provide a Councillors son in a Kirk ’ , urged nothing more than political consequences when pressing for the settlement of the St. Andrews clergyman , and many presentations were indeed political bribes .
7 The main stumbling block had been the appointment of its chair [ see pp. 37712 ; 37777 ; 37858 ] , a problem temporarily resolved on Dec. 11 when Prince Norodom Sihanouk , who had hitherto been pressing for the chairmanship , called on the SNC to " stop talking about the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship … and have the 12 SNC members , on an equal footing , work for peace " .
8 He had reportedly been pressing for the USA to distance itself from the peace negotiations and he was therefore opposed to a Washington venue ; he was also known to support a Middle Eastern venue to emphasize the regional , as opposed to the international , nature of the conflict .
9 Here there exists a political will pressing for the development of competitive markets ; this would seem not to be present to the same extent among the other Member States of the EEC .
10 But the London and North-Western and the Great Western Railway companies were criticized for their poor provision of workmen 's trains in 1892 and a parliamentary select committee was still pressing for the provision of cheap trains for workers in 1905 .
11 Iran 's Prime Minister Moussavi was pressing for the dollar to be discarded as the unit of account for pricing oil , in favour of indexation to a basket of stronger currencies .
12 Kennedy was fighting on the issue of public accountability for scientists , and the Friends of the Earth were pressing for the withdrawal of Federal funding for recombinant experiments .
13 Although Mr Parkinson did not entirely dismiss rule out road pricing , he will disappoint a the growing lobby wanting of those pressing for the Government to introduce schemes result in estimated charging s of £3 to £4 around £3 — £4 for to drive through central London .
14 A number of board members are pressing for the directors ' new suites , now being readied at the top of a spanking new building on Washington 's H Street , to be exempted from the Bank-wide policy of no smoking that begins on July 1st .
15 Tropical timber producers have been pressing for the ITTA , which expires next year , to be replaced by a comprehensive agreement that also covers wood from temperate forests .
16 That , of course , is why the United Kingdom Government have been in the lead in pressing for the completion of the single market and that is why , in the current negotiations , we are arguing for steps to strengthen the observance of Community law to ensure that a level playing field is included in the single market .
17 Yet that was not how most politicians pressing for the inquiry had seen it .
18 Darlington Labour MP Alan Milburn said he would be pressing for the review to set up a unitary authority for the town based on existing boundaries .
19 Coun Graham Morris , who represents Murton on Easington District Council , claims too many companies change their original schemes once they have got planning permission and is pressing for the matter to be brought to the attention of the Department of the Environment .
20 Faced with a sharp fall in support for the CDU in the former East German Länder , CDU general secretary Volker Rühe ( with the tacit support of Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl ) had led the group within the party pressing for the replacement of de Maizière .
21 He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of several members of the local association who had privately aired derogatory views about a black candidate while publicly supporting him .
22 we have taken the lead in Europe in pressing for the establishment of a Europe-wide Drugs Unit , as a first step towards a creation of a ‘ Europol ’ ;
23 As early as 1929 , Herbert Morrison of the London County Council was pressing for the L.C.C .
24 He had the difficult task in 1832–3 of reconciling his sympathy for the Whig government with pressing for the sort of positive action on emancipation which was acceptable both to a majority in the political and parliamentary class and antislavery militants in the country .
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