Example sentences of "judged to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A labouring person who aspires to a better and more rewarding life is judged to be grossly deceived .
2 Although all political parties were officially banned the ruling RCC was generally judged to be strongly influenced by the fundamentalist National Islamic Front , led by Hassan Abdullah al-Turabi .
3 English vessels were unpopular among shippers because they were judged to be incompetently run .
4 A restriction which , whatever the success of the industrial co-operative elsewhere , many in Britain would have judged to be wholly desirable ; for the recent British view had been distorted by what it saw as the examples of the Scottish Daily News , KME , and Meriden .
5 Less than an hour before the end Europe 's chances of retaining an outright lead were judged to be somewhere between slim and nil but that was before Mark James and Howard Clark made their massive contribution .
6 It may mean providing services , such as education or a health service , which are available to all , or the home help service , which is available to those judged to be most in need of it .
7 Answer guide : The calculation of the opening wealth here is straightforward as the historic cost , replacement cost , and net realizable value can be judged to be effectively the same .
8 If it smouldered quickly but did not burst into flame , the temperature was judged to be right — an archaic method that worked .
9 The spatial units can be related to census areas in a number of ways , though none is judged to be very satisfactory .
10 well — as seen on sky norwich' disallowed goal was even more doubtful — strach — was — offside ( but not interfering with play ) — kind of like the goal that lorimer ‘ scored ’ against Bayern Munich way back then when bremner was judged to be offside .
11 But there it is , and outside and foreign firms will put money in , especially if subsidized by temporary government measures , for as you know , public investment in private industry is judged to be ideologically correct , while public investment for public and community concerns is judged ideologically to be harmful , but the firms are interested in making money out of the region if I may so put it , not in sustaining world promotion and healthy living in the region .
12 Well as you know I think the committee looked at this erm in nineteen ninety one and er I think it is fairly true to say that by the time it was taken out of service blood hound did not represent a very high level of capability erm and the gap , there is a gap obviously between blood hound it 'll it 'll now be a rather longer gap between that and any A M S A M replacement , er but blood hound itself was judged to be frankly not worth having .
13 Even for those items that are designated relevant , some may be judged to be highly relevant , whilst others may be regarded as partially or only marginally relevant .
14 The beloved cross-terrier , found sitting next to his master 's dead body on Saturday afternoon in Woolfall Heath Avenue , Huyton , was judged to be too ill by animal experts .
15 Both Aden Arabie and Les Chiens de garde were judged to be essentially lightweight literary texts , lacking in substantive Marxist analysis , excessively centred on a purely verbal , abstract revolt , and having little relevance to the contemporary class struggle .
16 The carapace required almost a year to become fully symbiotic with the body — and its owner required purification , distillation in the alembic of combat before his augmented natural body could be judged to be fully transmuted in spirit as well as in flesh and bone , and thus worthy of donning complete Marine armour …
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