Example sentences of "notice [adv] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Notice especially that the definite article may be one such further selecting qualifier .
2 Notice also that the coefficients on the variables imply that the lag pattern has a triangular shape with the strongest effect , - 12.1 , occurring after a one-year lag and then dying away .
3 Notice also that the estimates for the UK do not display the strong triangular pattern found by Barro in the US .
4 I notice also that the president of the chambers of commerce said that British industry and commerce were on ’ an improving trend of slowly and steadily climbing out of the recession ’ .
5 Notice also that the distribution is shifted to higher speeds at a higher temperature .
6 These result in increases in entropy and thus a more negative value for G. Notice also that the free energy of formation of silver oxide is negative at lower temperatures but becomes positive as the temperature increases .
7 Notice also that the choice the speaker made was the one which would make his Creole seem maximally different from LE : i.e. , would reinforce the stereotype of Creole as a different system .
8 Notice now that the range is compatible only at the virtual computer level and not at the hardware level .
9 Notice now that the white one the two white ones are superimposed but now look the two reds and the two blues are now not superimposed any longer .
10 ( Notice here that the ‘ causal relation ’ between the events is artificially contrived , and indeed the only basis for attributing causal status to the events is their temporal relation . )
11 Erm you notice here that the amount is , did n't alter in the last budget .
12 Notice secondly that the general laws governing nature are said to be ‘ necessary and constant ’ .
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