Example sentences of "quid [coord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I took my friend from Olivera 's to lunch , which will cost you a couple of quid or a night out at the weekend .
2 Ye 've still a quid and a half .
3 ‘ For two quid and a half . ’
4 Yeah , it 's gon na cost me too much this is gon na cost me a hundred quid , a hundred quid and a party is a bloody lot of money if you look at it , to be perfectly honest , we need a D J
5 I remember the old days when layouts were readable , ZZAP ! cost under two quid and a packet of polos were still ten pence .
6 Keep him here on a charge of stealing the hundred quid and the pay packet ? ’
7 Now they have a few quid and the rent money goes to Leeds council anyway , they want to ‘ get shut ’
8 twenty quid and the bank owes me twenty quid .
9 quid but the bloke who owns them he 's near said they were sort of a couple of hundred or three hundred nicked or something and he put the load in at twenty two thousand quid !
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