Example sentences of "end up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You will probably , therefore , end up with a selection of varying pictures which could well be useful .
2 The most common problem for men is to develop too much lower pectoral muscle , and so end up with a ‘ droopy ’ looking chest .
3 You discover a long lost pocket of goodness in your soul and end up with a sore neck after adopting a passable imitation of a toy dog on the back shelf of a car .
4 I end up with a flat battery about once a week even though the dynamo , heavy duty battery and voltage regulator have been replaced .
5 Combine this with a padded tongue and further support around the lower foot area and you end up with a darn comfy shoe .
6 You thus end up with a whole batch of specific tasks to carry out , some over several months , even years .
7 Like we 've had women who have wet their knickers and then put them on the radiator to dry , or just swilled them out in the sink and end up with a smelly room .
8 Having read a lot of books does not make for good rock'n'roll lyrics — you end up with a band like XTC ; you might like them , sure , but that does n't make them rock'n'roll .
9 You often get this if you have a very strong guitarist or a strong keyboard player — you end up with a group without one or the other ; they just ca n't co-exist .
10 ‘ It would n't suit the song if we end up with a video like Simple Minds or Big Country .
11 If you are a royal official or a Tory MP you end up with a knighthood .
12 In most accountancy practices you have very few of those — and you do n't have any I-Preserves either , who are good at relationships and making people feel warm and wanted , so you end up with a very cool , intellectual kind of set-up ’ .
13 Keen gardeners and fanatical car washers may have second thoughts about lavish spraying if we end up with a water meter at the bottom of our garden to measure the amount we actually use .
14 ‘ If a video producer records live sound when filming , then the ‘ storyline ’ is bound to be carried by the commentary and you end up with a talk illustrated by pictures .
15 You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure .
16 ‘ They then end up with a photograph very different to what they intended .
17 But knowledge develops unevenly ; Dewey 's luck was not so conspicuous when it came to , say , radio engineering , where relatively simple new subjects end up with a classification symbol of twelve digits or more .
18 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
19 and has it 's so important in the pathogenesis of the capsule that antibodies to it can be used er , ca , er can actually completely prevent the disease and we end up with a capsule vaccine based on the type B pulse .
20 Now , this happens in nearly all er cases o of tuberculosis but , interesting , the vast majority of infections microbacterium tuberculosis are asymptomatic and the reason for that is that after a period of growth and dissemination does not lead to clinical symptoms , cell mediated immunity , C M I , comes into comes into play and you end up with a balance between the macrophages , and fi and M T B , where there 's a constant turnover of macrophages dying , and M T B winning out .
21 They might — conceivably — end up with a picture of Doris Day singing Ten cents a dance from the film Love Me or Leave Me .
22 Before , you might be able to say , if you have n't got the right results , you can get away with padding out your lab report and writing a lot of background , so that would bung your mark up a bit , but this year , you can do that and you still end up with a bad mark if you 've got bad results .
23 You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure .
24 People just jump straight in , do the first bit , erm , having done the first bit , they then think about how they 're gon na fit in the next bit , and you end up with a rambling mess that er , does n't fit together , does n't work together too well .
25 If you have to compromise , change your mind or adapt an idea , make a new list , date it and file it so that you end up with a master check list that is a complete record of the whole procedure .
26 It always amazes me how Bills which the Government support end up with a Chairman from the Government side of the House , thus giving the Government a majority .
27 Well wh I think all you can say is , you end up with a , with a package of genes which you got from your parents .
28 Now this slide really takes the behind , takes us behind the first figure on the on the consolidated F R S One cash flow table and it really traces hard despite the reduction in profits , the very strong performance in working capital that Frank eluded to earlier means that er we actually end up with a net cash flow for operating activities more than thirty five million pounds higher .
29 Assuming you end up with a new settlement .
30 Starting from the logic of sustainability , we end up with a very similar size for a new community to the one that Howard was writing about a hundred years ago .
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