Example sentences of "excluded from this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Items held with the intention of furthering a criminal purpose are excluded from this category .
2 Senate amendments replaced this with a two-tiered formula guaranteeing a minimum of 13 weeks and allowed unemployed workers in every state to qualify for extended benefits retroactive to March 1 ( 18 states were excluded from this provision in the House bill ) .
3 Minor anomalies or morphological variants without serious medical or cosmetic consequences are excluded from this discussion .
4 Three wells were drilled in the area in the 1980's — all of which made small gas discoveries — although two are excluded from this award .
5 Gilpin and Budworth should perhaps be excluded from this censure ; certainly Mrs. Radcliffe 's description of her coach ride to the top of Skiddaw ( appendix of West 's Guide ) exonerates her .
6 Earth sciences , because they had been so recently assessed in the UGC Earth Science Review , were excluded from this rating table , but the ratings for the category ‘ Other Physical Sciences ’ , for those Universities also listed in Table 3 , are :
7 Sherif ( 1977 ) describes how the status hierarchy of US psychology is related to experimental rigour , and how women are excluded from this hierarchy .
8 It would be surprising , Mr. Beloff submitted , if Parliament had given the Bank of England the right to issue notices calling for the immediate production of documents which ipso facto overrode court orders , and constitutionally anomalous to allow an executive order to override a judicial order , since it would deny the court an opportunity to balance competing interests ; the court should be slow to conclude that it was excluded from this arena .
9 But a number of feminists have suggested that women in many cultures and many situations are partly or even totally excluded from this kind of formal discourse .
10 The only enterprises to be excluded from this plan were to be geothermal power stations , the central airport , and " possibly " the railways and other important national facilities .
11 It should also be noted that guns and firearms , parachutes , camping equipment and sub-aqua equipment are also excluded from this section .
12 People who said they would n't borrow money were excluded from this study .
13 However , as the sample was selected from those who had sought treatment or counselling for their daily habit , such users are necessarily excluded from this study .
14 Self selection bias — for example , because of better informed and motivated patients seeking advice from specialist clinics — can not be excluded from this study .
15 Thirty eight of these were excluded from this study .
16 All conventional religious structures would be excluded from this sanction , as they were utterly ineffectual , and presented a useful distraction for some souls who might have been tempted towards esoteric practices .
17 The second would be to hold by-elections in areas that were excluded from this week 's election because they were controlled by the Khmers Rouges .
18 Excluded from this group are persons who worked in fields , gardens and plantations for a cash wage , but who had no stake in land .
19 Chilperic 's son , Chlothar II ( 584 – 629 ) , was excluded from this arrangement , which had been agreed at the Treaty of Andelot in 587 .
20 Shetlanders are afraid that they might be excluded from this market — with their higher salaries and various company safeguards , incomers are thought to be willing to make higher bids for scarce pieces of land .
21 9.6 Rights easements etc The [ operation of the Law of Property Act 1925 Section 62 shall be excluded from this Lease and the only rights granted to the Tenant are those expressly set out in this Lease [ and such further ancillary rights that arise under the general law or by necessary implication ] and the Tenant shall not by virtue of this Lease be deemed to have acquired or be entitled to and the ] Tenant shall not during the Term acquire or become entitled by any means whatever to any easement from or over or affecting any other land or Premises now or at any time after the date of this Lease belonging to the Landlord and not comprised in this Lease Section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925 provides that a lease is deemed to include , in the absence of any contrary intention , all easements , rights and advantages appertaining or reputed to appertain to the premises at the time of the lease .
22 In addition a single visit was made to five sites , but these counts have been excluded from this analysis .
23 These are excluded from this analysis .
24 All fetuses that are lost naturally are excluded from this analysis .
25 Although included in the fundholding scheme , referrals to radiology , pathology , physiotherapy , speech therapy , and occupational therapy were also excluded from this analysis , which focused on referrals to consultants ' outpatient clinics .
26 Follow up at seven and 10 years was excluded from this analysis because of the small amount of data for the models .
27 In addition three patients who already had a diagnosis of pernicious anaemia were excluded from this analysis because they were already receiving B 1 2 treatment .
28 This was still the case when subjects with atrophy were excluded from this analysis .
29 The professions have not been excluded from this process .
30 Small wonder that display technology is generating such interest worldwide and why electronics companies do not want to be excluded from this technology .
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