Example sentences of "spend [adv] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 They spend so much time immersed in unglamorous stuff — transient and trivial details that vanish and reappear to be done again the next moment .
2 In fact they spend so much time flying head first into burns , one would have thought they could save even more time by simply opening their mouths and taking on water without the inconvenience of having to reach for the day-glo bottle .
3 Why cause ourselves so much anxiety , and spend so much time , money and energy on failed diet/exercise routines when the answer to all our problems is staring us right in the face .
4 Headhunters are , by definition , enemies of long-term company loyalty and , because they spend so much time persuading people to move , it is hardly surprising that they themselves do not hesitate when they see an exciting new opportunity .
5 ‘ Considering your low opinion of him , ’ she snapped , ‘ I 'm surprised you spend so much time with him . ’
6 They spend so much time thinking about mathematical problems that they do not notice what is happening around them .
7 Of course , you can navigate without such a wonderful piece of kit , but I find I spend so much time locating an off-road search area , that it severely reduces the time available on site .
8 And if , in a woman-centred , woman-positive , pro-woman environment , women discover their affiliation and affection for other women , which raises critical questions about friendship and solidarity and love , and why we spend so much time and emotional energy on relationships with men which cause us so much pain .
9 You spend so much time at the church house . ’
10 When people spend so much time seeing each other behave so well , they tend to become a bit intolerant of others less perfect .
11 ‘ People have probably begun to wonder by now why I spend so much time in the club , ’ he said evenly .
12 And once again , it brings into focus the curious contradiction of Europe where , when it comes to the final analysis , countries like France , which spend so much time preaching about European unity , find themselves unable to act in the mutual interest of the community .
13 ‘ The thing is , there 's so little time in between tournaments and already I spend so little time in Bruhl and in Boca Raton , and it would n't make a lot of sense .
14 In essence , effective teams spend as much time on the how as on the what . )
15 We have made arrangements to dive , to hire the necessary equipment and spend as much time at the centre as we want .
16 Spend as much time as possible in the open air .
17 Spend as much time as possible with those who support you in every way .
18 During the first few weeks , it 's important that you spend as much time as possible with a new resident , getting to know them and their family and working on their care plan .
19 Spend as much time choosing it as you do your wedding dress and make sure the two complement each other — unsightly bulges and visible straps will ruin your entire appearance .
20 ‘ When you spend as much time as we did trying to stop others scoring tries , you do n't have much time to argue with the ref ’ — ZIMBABWE 's REPRESENTATIVE when accepting the World Cup Fair Play Award .
21 Guests often spend as much time here as in the well-appointed lounges or at the friendly bar , before dining in the attractive restaurant which offers a choice of menu .
22 In between travelling abroad , we spend as much time as possible walking and backpacking in north-west Scotland and Wales .
23 Effective history teaching may also require that pupils spend as much time away from the screen , discussing , hypothesising and analysing their findings , as actually working at the keyboard .
24 There are two girl keepers who spend as much time as they can with him and are giving him so many titbits that he 's getting thoroughly spoiled .
25 My colleagues and I spend far more time discussing world development than we do national ones , as indeed we should , since nearly eighty per cent of our business occurs in the rest of the world .
26 Peter 's situation illustrates the fact that patients who spend very little time in hospital or have minor procedures performed still have anxieties and may need a great deal of help both before and after discharge .
27 As can be seen in figure women in Nepal and the Ivory Coast spend the majority of their time in housework , whilst the men spend very little time .
28 In fact there was a , I think some of the recent erm concerns about schools have come from an image that 's been built up over a period of time that the schools spend very little time on the , on the three Rs for example .
29 Administrative support is inadequate , so that inspectors spend too much time on routine , low-level , clerical tasks .
30 Bands spend too much time chasing A&R personnel and other industry figures , and not enough time chasing punters , developing a following and creating a ‘ buzz ’ .
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