Example sentences of "confined to [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it chooses an independent valuer , then there is a separate contract between the valuer and the borrower , the society 's obligation being confined to using care in the selection of the valuer .
2 As is pointed out by Clark , ‘ there is no doubt that writing long courses is time consuming ’ and the participation of the librarian ‘ should be confined to teaching library skills ’ , leaving the programmer and educational technologist to work out the coding of the material .
3 If permanent employment was a universal feature labour would become a quasi-fixed factor in production and the room for adjusting costs would be confined to altering working hours or bonus payments .
4 It does not require that contests be pairwise , and is not confined to fighting behaviour ; it has been applied to the evolution of the sex ratio , of dispersal , of growth strategies in plants , and so on .
5 Of all the agencies , only the Manpower Services Commission has had the control of the purse strings that allows positive steering ; with the exception of educational support and in-service training grants administered by the DES , the other agencies ' role has been confined to offering advice and expertise .
6 The conductor 's earliest origins , though , were humble , his duties confined to banging time loudly with a stick — a sort of dull musical beadle .
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