Example sentences of "suggest that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 They are essentially depletion mode devices , which might suggest that they conduct electricity when no bias is applied , and conduct less under bias .
2 Perhaps , when she had recovered from this encounter , he could suggest that they become engaged , albeit in an unacknowledged fashion as he could not afford a ring worthy of her .
3 To those workers who profess bewilderment as to how they might help , who feel their knowledge in sexual matters is insufficient or are doubtful of their capabilities for sexual counselling and aid , one would suggest that they raise the matter within their training departments .
4 I would erm suggest that they go at Swindon to see how it 's done .
5 It is interesting to find that they have somewhat unusual morphological forms , which may suggest that they do indeed make some sort of special call on speakers ' capacity for linguistic construction .
6 If Hamer have sought to redesign this feature so that it looks better overall then I 'd suggest that they have made a mistake .
7 This would suggest that they have the same scientific status as Heaven .
8 Were were would you suggest that they have a lot of unresolved feelings about that , or maybe they had emotional scars because no-one was there to give them the kind of hope that might be available now ?
9 The money should be transferred to the N U M and if it is not longer needed by those families , we would suggest that they give it back to help the formation of the independent labour movement in Russia .
10 The money should be transferred to the N U M , and if it is not longer needed by those families , we would suggest that they give it back to help the formation of the independent labour movement in Russia .
11 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
12 Nobody can seriously suggest that we turn back the clock entirely and return to the world of Constable 's Haywain , where there was a good deal of misery and hunger amidst all that beauty .
13 can I suggest that we take Paul 's paper next .
14 I would suggest that we use this as a lead in to say , Is n't it time you paid to microfilm all the old drawings ?
15 That 's that 's right , I mean I I I would suggest that we 've arrived at that point now , and we 're increasingly likely to do so , because as we 've already heard York is very constrained , it 's it 's it 's a relatively small , compact , historic city , the greenbelt boundaries are drawn fairly tightly , correctly in so in in my opinion , and there 's really not much room for manoeuvre within with er in a existing settlements within the greenbelt .
16 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
17 Might I suggest that we ask our MPs to use their influence to stop all advertising and sponsorship of smoking products which are now largely directed at young people ?
18 I think , I 'm not going to encourage debate on that I think we 've heard what Kenneth said particularly about the trusts the working done by the trust and would suggest that we ask Granville to take that on board as well and be within the presentations too .
19 Somebody did suggest that we ask Betty 's husband , but if he has n't been very helpful with the auditor , perhaps he 's not very keen on .
20 Can I suggest that we wind up the meeting and er .
21 May I suggest that we try and secure bookings for you and for myself to travel on or about August 15th ?
22 I would suggest that we try to arrange a meeting at my office within four weeks of [ date ] .
23 And may I suggest that we add to the list , on the computer type it into this particular programme be , it 's called arts list
24 What follows may suggest that we have moved a long way from the consideration of reading .
25 But does not this suggest that we have only to learn the same lesson over again ?
26 So what I was wondering was er the scheme is in it 's infancy this and I 'm all in the favour of the decentralising in principle , but I think we ought to perhaps look at it a bit closer , and I would suggest that we have an up-to-date report at the next meeting of this committee so we can compare it over a longer term so , as that we might then reflect on a if we 're doing the right thing or not .
27 However , I would suggest that we have a conversation with these four people before eradicating them from first round discussions .
28 If we have only indicators what his methodological reasoning suggests is that we look for patterns among indicators which might suggest that we have found something of substance and significance .
29 Can I say that we are now organising quite tightly the business of street collections , and I think if committee are minded to reduce the number of collections that we allow , we should decide that before we come to this meeting , because I think it 's very difficult in practical terms to do it at this stage , and therefore I would suggest that we do agree twenty-one , not withstanding what Graham said , we can take on board some of what he said , and maybe the month before we are asked to take this decision , we have an item on the agenda where we discuss the principle before we get down to the practicalities .
30 I just would suggest that we do n't do it in this committee .
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