Example sentences of "adults over the age " in BNC.

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1 One rather strange anomaly is that such intercourse is legal between consenting male adults over the age of 21 , but is illegal between heterosexuals and is punishable by a large fine or four years in prison .
2 Under a poll-tax system , all adults over the age of 18 will pay a flat rate set by the local authority concerned , although there will be rebates for the less well-off .
3 For adults over the age of 18 the electoral roll is the normal sample frame , but even this is far from perfect since it is compiled only once each year and many people fail to fill in the necessary forms while others may change address shortly after registering .
4 This covered all adults over the age of eighteen ( with certain limited exceptions ) and was , therefore , more broadly based than rates , in an attempt to improve democratic accountability .
5 Free speech and free political association were to be backed by an extension of the franchise to all adults over the age of 20 , a formal extension of the power of the elected legislature ( the Diet ) and guarantees of judicial independence from both the executive and the Diet .
6 Westergaard and Resler estimated that in 1970 only 7% of adults over the age of 25 owned shares .
7 Elections for 105 seats in the 151-member Tsogdu are by universal suffrage of all adults over the age of 17 ; 10 are reserved for religious bodies and the remainder are occupied by officials , ministers and members of the Royal Advisory Council .
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