Example sentences of "represented [prep] [art] meeting " in BNC.

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1 1804 It has now been represented to the Meeting that the Town of Bowmore is very much annoy 'd by a destructive Crowd of Pigs running up and down the Streets , and that many of the Inhabitants , regardless of Property .
2 They were unanimously chosen by the community represented at the meeting , and their commitment was welcomed by the four sets of parents .
3 Eight European countries were represented at the meeting , and apart from the official business conducted there , it was extremely useful to chat informally about matters of common interest .
4 Represented at the meeting were Tony and his mother and sister , assessment centre staff , social work , child guidance and three members of St Augustine 's staff , including the assistant head ( guidance ) and the member of the guidance team that would look after Tony .
5 It would be helpful if you could indicate on the attached reply slip if your Association will be represented at the meeting .
6 If you have not yet returned the pro forma sent to you on 16 March and do intend that your Association will be represented at the meeting would you please return the pro forma to ensure that seating arrangements are adequate .
7 I hope that your governing body will be represented at this Meeting and it would be helpful if you could indicate on the attached reply slip if your Association will be represented at the meeting .
8 It was then announced from Cairo that all countries would be represented at the meeting at the same level .
9 For the first time the Soviet Union and China were represented at the meeting .
10 Over 75 organizations were represented at the meeting in Durban , including the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and the Labour Party , which held the majority of seats in the House of Representatives ( the chamber for Coloured people in the tricameral parliament — see p. 36880 for 1989 election ) .
11 Delegates agreed that all parties represented at the meeting , as well as the Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) , the official white opposition Conservative Party ( CP ) , the Reformed National Party ( HNP ) and the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) — all of which refused to attend the preparatory meeting — would be invited to CODESA .
12 For the first time the Soviet Union and China were represented at the meeting .
13 Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , leader of the rebel fundamentalist Hezb-i-Islami faction , was represented at the meeting , but refused to attend personally .
14 Some 40 countries or international banks were represented at the meeting , which was attended by an Israeli delegation and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation led by Zein Mayassi , a " diaspora Palestinian " , but boycotted by Syria and Lebanon , both of which had also boycotted the May round of multilaterals .
15 This way everybody has a chance to air their opinions and everybody 's voice is represented at the meeting .
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