Example sentences of "walking along [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It happened yesterday afternoon as the teenager was walking along a footpath through Hospital in the town .
2 It happened yesterday afternoon as the teenager was walking along a footpath through Hospital in the town .
3 He organized it all and then I think was it a week before he suddenly said well we ca n't possibly have two hundred people walking along a nature trail that we want to protect .
4 I leave and there he is , the man from breakfast , walking along the back of the row of restaurants .
5 ‘ Around 3am , he was walking along the back of some houses .
6 I 'm up here on the … no , it 's not a stage , it 's a swimming pool , and I 'm walking along the top of it .
7 To the south-west , owners of beach holiday homes are trying to claim new beach thrown up by the latest sea defence scheme and to prevent non-owners from walking along the top of the beach .
8 People walking along the promenade were beginning to stop and lean on the iron bar at the top end of the beach to look at the Africans .
9 We were walking along the promenade feeling really good in our best gear , when I looked down at my feet .
10 We were walking along the sea wall at Fries ton in Lincolnshire , possibly the coldest place in England that day ( we learned later ) .
11 A minute later she had seen the girl slowly walking along the aisle , guidebook in hand , the man strolling behind her carefully distanced .
12 Later , walking along the prom in the deep silence of that foggy early morning , she tried to taunt herself out of her depression : ‘ You never learn , do you ?
13 She found herself walking along the road saying ‘ I 'll talk it all over with Alan when I get in — he 'll know what to do ’ , only to remember that it was Alan who was the cause of the heartache .
14 T. D. The discipline was tyranny but it was n't bad for us — two policemen walking along the road together , talking about women or football like everybody else , and they ca n't keep their eyes for crime or for offences being committed under their noses .
15 From Staveley walk northwards to Kentmere ( 4.5 miles ) but avoid walking along the road .
16 I was walking along the road and all of a sudden this police car drew up beside me .
17 Gabriel obeyed at once , and while riding along was thinking so hard about the shooting that in the darkness he failed to notice a man walking along the road to Casterbridge .
18 Er who 've just been walking along the road .
19 So he started walking along the road out of town .
20 Carl is walking along the road to Bar Capri with his mother .
21 So they 've done it , I think someone er who 's walking along the road , see you standing there taking that picture and say , what on earth are they taking a picture of that for ?
22 I 'd popped into the library to get a book renewed and when I left the college building I saw her walking along the road on her own . ’
23 One day , waiting in the car in Albion Street to pick up my brother-in-law from work ( he looks like Norman Lamont , incidently , but she loves him dearly ) , she suddenly saw me , her brother who 's supposed to be living in exile down south , walking along the road in the company of a glamorous lady .
24 You 're walking along the road and you have a pound coin in your hand and you drop it it rolls along the gutter erm Harlow drains are not quite like the drains we used have in London ,
25 I mean he for him to see it walking along the road if there was anything .
26 They were walking along the shore , arms linked against the wind , when he said .
27 However , the ‘ great white hare ’ is most likely a ruse invented by long-ago Cornish pirates and smugglers who wanted to deter people from walking along the shore on a brightly moonlit night .
28 I was again on the west side of the island and was walking along the shore .
29 Now she was walking along the parade and came upon old Cornelius Fennell in his bath chair , with Gay beside him , wearing a paper hat .
30 She was scared out of her skin the time I was walking along the wall of the prom .
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