Example sentences of "must [adv] [be] missed " in BNC.

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1 More difficult is conveying that injections must be self-administered and must not be missed .
2 I know that a lot of youngsters gain their first experience of shooting with bolting rabbits but I do think that so much preparatory work is necessary to create the opportunity for the rabbits to be killed that the chance must not be missed .
3 Professor Davie 's further remarks ( on pp. 164 and 165 of the same book ) must not be missed ; they seem to me one of the high points of modern appreciation of Wordsworth 's greatness .
4 On the other side were many who voiced optimism and trust in the Holy Spirit rather than defensiveness , saw more need for encouragement than for condemnations , and were convinced that there was a new opportunity for liturgical and pastoral use of the Bible which must not be missed .
5 They may be regarded as having been , at central government level , ideologically inspired : that is , undertaken either on the view that the possibility of rescuing a failed , conventionally organised enterprise would serve to promote Socialism in a neo-Marxist version of it absolutely opposed to Capitalism , and that the occasion was one which must not be missed even though the odds against success were heavy ; or in a spirit of uncritical idealism , sure that the ideology guaranteed success , that the gloomy appraisal was therefore wrong and the distinction between co-operative means and socialist ends a carping irrelevance .
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