Example sentences of "through a mouthful of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sorry , ’ he said , awkwardly , through a mouthful of Rich Tea .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ Ari answered through a mouthful of soyameat .
3 ‘ Oh , you did n't foul it up , ’ he said , mumbling through a mouthful of jammy doughnut .
4 ‘ It 's so bloody elitist , ’ complains Annie through a mouthful of salami .
5 ‘ Are your parents coming to Open Day ? ’ asked Katy through a mouthful of grass .
6 ‘ That 's a cos they 're daft like you , ’ said George through a mouthful of ginger biscuit .
7 He spoke through a mouthful of pins .
8 ‘ Depends , ’ said Adam through a mouthful of chocolate .
9 ‘ This part of South London has seen better days , ’ said Finn , through a mouthful of bubble-gum .
10 ‘ On the other hand , ’ said Dexter , through a mouthful of chicken tikka masalla , one of the few Indian dishes he could stomach , ‘ there might just be something to this drugs thing . ’
11 ’ So this is the great Del Curb ’ , the Emissary was saying through a mouthful of stickiness .
12 I carry on munching through my toast , and since there 's no point carrying the last dregs of marmalade to wherever it is we 're going , I scrape an inch-thick layer out of the jar and ask through a mouthful of carbon where the landlord lives .
13 What was he doing ? ’ plump-cheeked Sarah asked through a mouthful of the bread roll she was chomping on .
14 ‘ That 's right , ’ I said midway through a mouthful of frijoles .
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