Example sentences of "over the whole country " in BNC.

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1 The work was to be completed over the whole country in fifteen years .
2 That was the assumption on the part of the Federal Authorities that the people of the several states were … citizens of the US and owed allegiance to the Federal Government as the absolute sovereign power over the whole country , consolidated into one Nation ’ .
3 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
4 Every three hours the Met Assistant had to plot a chart — that is , working from the coded symbols sent on the teleprinter , draw up on a large blank map of Great Britain the weather at that time over the whole country .
5 The increase was not uniformly distributed over the whole country ; the population grew most rapidly in the North and West , especially where coal and iron were to be found , and supplied a convenient labour force for the manufacturing industries .
6 Showers are expected over the whole country — but the south-east may get a dry spell on Saturday and Sunday .
7 It rested on a grant of authority over the whole country by Gregory to the first archbishop , followed by a long history of the exercise of this authority from the seventh century onwards .
8 He proved and illustrated from Bede that for the first hundred and forty years after its foundation as an archbishopric , Canterbury had held primatial authority over the whole country ; then he went on to prove , though more sketchily , that this state of affairs had lasted without intermission until the Norman Conquest .
9 The West believed , in any case , that Russia would try to exploit the process of German reunification to install a Communist government over the whole country .
10 A policy of raising the wages of the lowest paid , first on an industry basis , and then over the whole country , for this approach to be part of an overall investment and training programme , and for the whole strategy to appear as part of an election manifesto , would provide consumers with the chance of turning a moral decision into an economic reality .
11 If the event were duplicated over the whole country on a week on week basis you could multiply Susan and Vera 's conversation many times over .
12 The year 1439 was in fact one of the worst periods of famine in the fifteenth century ; it had followed a harvest failure , brought about by heavy rains over the whole country throughout the summer of 1438 .
13 Danish kings emerge from a period of obscurity in the middle of the tenth century , when a dynasty based on Jelling in Jutland , and represented by Gorm the Old and his son Harald Bluetooth , seems to have extended its authority over the whole country , which then included the province of Skåne in modern Sweden .
14 It 's very rare that there is no wind over the whole country , and to some extent when the wind drops so does the demand for fuel .
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