Example sentences of "many [noun pl] and [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Linnaeus devised a kind of Latin suitable for concise descriptions : animals and plants were not to be written up in flowery language , but in sentences containing many adjectives and few verbs .
2 But a number of feminists have suggested that women in many cultures and many situations are partly or even totally excluded from this kind of formal discourse .
3 There were many meetings and much paperwork to ensure the availability of petrol , oil , tools and crew to take over to Newfoundland for the attempt .
4 Many invertebrates and all vertebrates incorporate a lens in their eye .
5 A levels , then , though relied upon at present as a higher education aptitude test , and regarded by many schools and many parents as a test of the academic respectability of schools themselves , are not wholly satisfactory for either of these purposes .
6 I can tell of many schools and many teachers doing an exciting job under very difficult circumstances : a school set up in abandoned , corrugated iron railway sheds in Ghana with no partitions , hot at midday and unspeakably noisy during rainstorms , yet well equipped with a cheerful co-operative staff , an open plan school , Ghana style ; an overcrowded school in Lesotho where teachers had evolved their own brand of team-teaching , one teacher imparting information to a class of 120 , followed by groupwork where two teachers and a student supervised written work ; a school down the road from them where Class I and 2 teachers who finished teaching at lunchtime had organised afternoon sessions on remedial reading for older children ; another in Francistown , Botswana , in temporary classrooms , with walls made of hessian and children organised into ‘ family groups ’ playing reading and number games under the guidance of older children .
7 I can only repeat that we esteem his son 's achievements , that we wish him well in his future and that his family has good cause to think kindly of a school which has provided an excellent education , many opportunities and much success .
8 Love has many aspects and many forms , and it is without doubt the most important element in the life of the spirit .
9 With its sounds of many cars and few birds , dawn faded .
10 Such ‘ feminising ’ factors have been foiled by two other inventions , that of separate sexes ( many animals and some plants have abandoned hermaphroditism , perhaps because half the hermaphrodites were feminised and it therefore paid the remainder to turn into pure males ) and genetic sex determination .
11 There were many notaries and much business in the city .
12 It is the sum of many articles and many issues that gives a magazine character and measures success or failure .
13 But in time many factories and many sewers emptied their waste into the Mersey .
14 Many years and many visits later I was invited by Tim Littler to become the official wheel tapper for his exotic Orient Express voyages to Champagne being launched in August this year .
15 Although a skilled fisherman , George Trowark became renowned as a knitter and over many years and many voyages he accumulated detailed notes of designs and patterns .
16 Settling the dispute took many years and several surveys , carried out by Bowes in 1542 , 1550 and 1580 ; and Johnson and Goodwin in 1604 produced : ‘ A survey of the Debatable and Border Lands adjoining the Realm of Scotland and belonging to the Crown of England , taken in 1604 . ’
17 France has pursued such policies for many years and this rationalisation and reallocation of land — remembrement — is still seen as a major long-term aim .
18 There were many kinds and each day he seemed to notice more .
19 It has become clear that the majority of computer tasks required by scientific and commercial applications share many properties and these properties can be analysed mathematically .
20 ‘ If Chief Justice Fortescue asked for a report , we could pose many questions and few solutions , Sir John . ’
21 Wherever possible rents should be at ‘ full economic levels ’ , but the government recognised that in some areas this would put rents beyond the means of many tenants and some degree of subsidy might be necessary .
22 The native troops were shattered by this , but many Dutchmen and some natives fought on , others joined the increasing numbers of hostile bands roaming the country .
23 Er the second polygyny where you have one male and then females and here reproductive success erm meaning that there 's a large again you 'll have the males who 'll have the large reproductive success than males who have none at all and erm of course often differences between male and female because the male has and the male has opportunities to erm try to control success rate the female biological and er consequently with this kind of system from female choice and male competition and er are about eighty percent and er polygamy is when you have many males and many females and er is also and er I would assume it 's kind of like males have opportunities .
24 Therapeutic trials were undertaken to investigate as many of these factors as was feasible , and necessarily involved many patients and many doctors , nurses , secretaries , and controllers .
25 Prison regimes are subject to pressures for change from many quarters and several aspects of prison practices are currently under review .
26 The agreement finally reached was over-hastily drafted , and contained many inconsistencies and much imprecision .
27 After all the Spartans were said to be relatives of the Sabines who had given many wives and some kings to the Romans .
28 In his youth he was taught , in accordance with Hindu custom , to repeat the thousand names of God , but he realized that the thousand names of God were not exhaustive and that while God has many names and many forms he is also nameless and formless .
29 It is salutary to be reminded that in many situations and many respects society is not simply divisible into two parts , the majority and the minority , but is in fact a conglomeration of minorities , none of which can have a democratic claim to dominate , and which must therefore learn to live with each other .
30 For in English-speaking African countries there can be found many strands and many contradictions .
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